While I do have that evil friend lying in wait for someone to have me wake up without a cigarette; I find my primary dealings with cigarettes is habitual. I smoke WAY more if I'm outside. If I'm inside it's usually 1-2 hours and they call my name but I may not answer. If I'm outside there is a possibility I may light up in 30 minutes. I enjoy both cigarettes and pipe tobacco, but...pipe tobacco is much more of an experience. Turns out, the more pipe tobacco I smoke, the less cigarettes are allowed to come into play.
They are completely different to me and usually in conflict. With smoking, anyone who's done it for a while knows about the cough, the stained fingers, the smell on your clothes, having to step out frequently, etc. Having said that....not inhaling the pipe tobacco how often do you cough? How stained are your fingers getting from that pipe? Do you hear "You smell like an ashtray," when you come in after a bowl of pipe tobacco? Are you trying to find the nearest exit to get you a quick bowl on in before you get on the plane?
To me it boils down to, smoking a pipe is more about the experience than the nicotine; while smoking a cigarette is about a habit and a need. While it would be upsetting, laying down my tobacco pipe would be much easier than my cigarettes.
On a side note...I lost a bet and am now certain that Marlboro Reds do have a dirt taste to them. After 10 years of smoking....never bet with someone who's smoked for 30+ years. There's my rant. Have at it!