AJL, I am a lowly piker compared to peck when it comes to stocking blends. I would not be surprised if he had over 350 Brigade Campaign Dark Flake. I stopped at 215 tins and I have been smoking it consistently since 2012.While i can appreciate a bunch of FOGs discussing a list and curating it as needed, it is a fun idea, but might as well call it the YMMV list for the general population. Sadly it’s like asking some of my cigar brothers their all time favorite cigar and knowing there’s like 2 boxes of them left in existence, doesn’t do broke ass me much good or have an effect on what I’m smok8ng or i should say what i have access to smoke. I’ve heard great th8ngs about the “old” Wessex Dark Flake … thrilling, great, wonderful, problem is Harris owns it all (exaggeration for effect)..
I would also bet anyone who thinks they have more MC Clellend than peck. He could have easily over 400 tins.=. I say we hire a team of mercenaries and rob Peck blind, It is the least we could do for such a douchebag. Hell he would write it off and make a fortune....yeah got to love a good Shyster.