Pipe identification question - Meerschaum

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Apr 13, 2023
Hello all, I found this pipe hidden in my cabinet. I had long since forgotten about it, I think I picked it up in an antique shop 15 years ago and paid about $30 if I remember correctly. Does anyone know what brand it is? I only see the words "Made in Turkey" stamped on the stem. The stem screws into the pipe and has an interesting metal filter device perhaps? Does this use some special filter? This is the "fanciest" pipe I own so I am not really sure what it is. My other 2 pipes have plastic stems that just plug in directly to the wood. Is this a smokable pipe or something best left for a decorative display item? It looks unsmoked to my untrained eye.





Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
The 68 on the stem should indicate it was made in 68. The Made In Turkey on the stem is a common to many of the manufactures that were making meerschaum pipes during the 60's - 70's. My guess is that it's a Hayim Pinhas Meerschaum as they were one of the more common brands from that era. Hayim Pinhas made solid smokers during that time, and they're all over ebay today. It should be a nice pipe for you to enjoy for years to come. Happy Smokes!


Apr 13, 2023
Well I broke down and smoked it. It was one of the best smokes I can ever remember. I was nervous about harshness due to being a new pipe with no break in or built up cake but it was smooth and perfect. It had amazing draw. I tasted so many flavors in the tobacco I had not noticed before, I'm wondering if this was due to my first time with a larger bowl or perhaps the meerschaum material itself. I smoked my Peterson's Early Morning Pipe blend and was picking up nutty, sweet cocoa and coffee notes as well as some woodsy cedar or sandalwood incense notes. I've been smoking with a filter in my other 2 pipes so this was also my first time using a pipe without filter, perhaps that was a factor in my broader perception of flavor. This is my new favorite pipe!
Jun 9, 2015
Mission, Ks
Thank you for the information, pardon my ignorance but what is a stinger?
In engineering terms, its a condenser. It causes water vapor in the smoke to cool and form in into droplets and stay in the shank, it also puts the draft hole above said droplet accumulation. It's supposed to provide a dryer cooler smoke. They work with varying degrees of success, but should be mostly redundant in a meerschaum.