Pic of the $10,000 Worth of Pipes and Tobacco I was Just Given

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Nov 21, 2011
@fnord: Thanks man. You're right. The guy that Santa'd me twice gets some payback. Sent me about $120 worth of stuff twice. I know what he does and he's not rich. I've Google Earthed his house (I know, creepy internet), and it ain't a mansion. I mentioned I'd send his CARE package as soon as I could get $5 for postage and someone has already offered to pay that. If he sends me some money I've asked for double postage to send him a CARE package too, that kindness deserves it.
Finally, sandoval tried to get up here to meet the guy but couldn't. He'll be my way in about a month and he's coming by to take a cut. He won't get half like he would have because you're right, this was a princely gift to me and I can't work to buy my own and he can. It sucks.
Oh, and of course my bro who's letting me live in his house free, and is paying for this connection and always gives me presents for Christmas and birthdays gets whatever the hell he wants. Except the Nording Horn and the Florence full bent I like.
PS I've been feasting on flake and I've fried my tongue! Damnit.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 16, 2014
I had a fella do something similar and gifted me about 27 pipes and was glad to do so. I shared them with a couple of buddies. Good karma



Jan 3, 2014
An older gentleman who lives by my hunting cabin brought over about 20 pipes, a pipes stand and Captain Black humidor one day. He used to smoke pipes and cigars daily but was unable to continue due to health issues. He wanted his stash to go to people who would appreciate and of course use them for the intended purpose. I received a really nice Brebbia pipe from that stash, one of my nicest pipes I own actually.
Congratulations on your haul. Good to see a stash like that go to someone who can appreciate it, use it and benefit from it. It will give you years of enjoyment.



Nov 21, 2011
Nice Larry. I looked up the Nording Horn to see how much they go for and found one exactly like it for $163, making it my most expensive pipe. I figure about ten years, minus the CARE packs and whatever my brother-in-law takes.



Mar 19, 2013
I'm thrilled for you, sad for your benefactor. I can't think of anyone more deserving of some good luck! Congratulations!



Jul 29, 2013
Sweet baby Jesus, that is totally worthy of the UFR bomb. I wouldn't know where to put all of it. I have a modest tobacco cabinet, I would have to upgrade. You hit the jackpot on that deal.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 12, 2014
thats so crazy, must have had something serious in health or life to give up that much. Any pipes you dont care for you could talk to the local forum free pipe project and see about sharing the ones you dont really care for.
All n all great haul man the tobacco alone is worth it.



Nov 21, 2011
Forgive me folks, but I'm bumping this thread just to keep it on the front page, as a tribute to sjb3. I want every new smoker to read it. This is pipers. Like Craig dragonslayer said, I'll put our group against any for the kindness, generosity and non-judgmental nature that is pipers. Guys that own dozens of Dunhills and a 400lb cellar would happily share a bowl with a guy who owns two corn cobs and a pouch of OTC.
I have yet to meet a jerk on here. I do think a couple of you are weird (hee hee), and I've had my feelings hurt a couple of times, but that's just family. Several of you I know to be magnificent human beings.
Thank you Kevin for providing a place for us all to hang out, and thank you sjb3 for your unbelievable gift.



Can't Leave
Mar 1, 2013
Did I read that right? That ALL of those pipes were unsmoked? sjb3 musta had PAD really bad. I feel bad enough that I have just 1 unsmoked pipe and a few that could use some more seasoning. But to have that many unsmoked pipes would drive me up a wall.
wouldn't surprise me if a woman was involved, like others have said. Like, if she said "get rid of the pipes and tobacco or I'll castrate you!" Then, it would still be for health reasons. All kidding aside, sucks that he had to give up all that stuff.
I'm gonna have a pipe tomorrow after church. The smoke will be dedicated to the health and happiness of sjb3, and you too, simnettpratt. Might be a bowl of Pirate Kake in my newly repaired Nording Moss F freehand



Nov 21, 2011
@murf: Yeah, not a one had been smoked. Did he throw out the used ones? Did his girl throw out the used ones? Did he go to a B&M and catch the worst case of PAD (and TAD) ever known to man? Aliens?
Several of the jars are dated: 2013. I PM'd him a link to this thread but haven't heard back and don't know if he got it. He might be riding off onto the sunset without looking back.
Thank you for the tribute, and I thank you also on behalf of sjb3.
I know several of you have given away this much over time, but as a one-time extravaganza, I've never heard of a gift even close to this.
Don't worry, they're all getting smoked, and I'm burning the tobacco slowly and telling it it's home. Flake-fried my damn tongue though, I actually need a rest.



Mar 22, 2011
Edgewood Texas
Man I am just now reading this. What a testament to the generosity of our community ! It is inspiring.

All that living right is finally coming back to you!



Nov 21, 2011
Yay! lonestar finally read this! I know some of you have given away this much over time, but this is the single biggest one-time gift I've ever seen. By far. Ryan, next time we meet, bring baggies and a sharpie. If you can make it to Grand Prairie, PM me when and I'll hook you up. I have extra tobacco. BYOB.
I sent sjb3 a link to this thread, but haven't heard from him. Poor guy.
PS Living right. Er, yeah...



Aug 1, 2013
If you decide on some of the sweet aro baccy you don't want, I am in Las Colinas and will stop by to buy it.Even a few of the pipes you don't want, maybe you could forward back to him!



Nov 21, 2011
@lefty: Hey, thanks for bumping this thread, sjb3 deserves it. I actually do have extra aros. I'm not sure it's wise to invite a total internet stranger with only two posts over, but I'm willing to take the chance, because this site attracts quality people. If you want a healthy assortment of aros, you are hereby invited by, and PM me to get my address. It's in Grand Prairie. The tobacco will be free, but I ask you in return to pay for the postage to mail out a CARE pack to a dude I want to send one to, plus you can bring me a bottle of bourbon or Scotch.
You have to bring baggies, I'm out. The aros I have are seven varieties of Lane's, several packs of C&Ds, and probably some others are classified as aros. The only unsmoked pipes I have left are two cobs and a basket pipe in a weird shape.
I'm willing to take a chance on inviting a stranger over. You will need (a) baggies, (b) postage for a CARE pack, and it would be nice if you brought some bourbon or scotch. We can smoke a bowl in the house and assemble the CARE pack together. I promise you will get more tobacco than the postage and bourbon cost.
PS To everyone else, I'm glad to say I've given away half of the tobacco and pipes. Ten of the big square tubs, all full, many baggies as well, and all my remaining tubs are half full. This will be the last CARE pack. lefty, I like flakes, so don't count on more than one sample bowl of each of the flakes, if that :)
lefty, PM me for my address and a time you want to meet. Also David.



Nov 21, 2011
Thanks fnord. That actually means something to me. lefty will be here after 2pm today; he didn't seem like a serial killer in the PMs. Fortunately for me, he likes aros, and I've picked out ten tubs of Lane's aros and some others, plus five C&D varieties - he can have baggies of each. In return, he's paying to ship a pack (the last one, really, really this time) this afternoon, and he's bringing a case of beer and a bottle of wine for me.
Party at my house this afternoon. lefty, I promise not to get as drunk as I did when sandoval brought over the scotch. Probably. Maybe. Come to think of it, if I should happen to fall down, please make sure I'm not on fire before you leave.

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