Pardon me for the intrusion here of a total newb. I need to admit first that I know nothing about pipes, and second that I have no personal interest in them. My sweetie quit smoking (cigarettes) as a courtesy to me when we started dating a year and a half ago. However, he mentioned recently that he enjoys smoking pipes on occasion. I would like to get him one as a gift and have been doing some reading. He loves churchwardens with a Dublin bowl and I have found that Paycok sells these for around $60. I realize that's a fairly low price in the world of good pipes, but that's kindof what I can afford right now. I would welcome input on how well Paycok pipes perform and if this is a good brand to start with, or suggestions for alternate brands/makes in the same price range. If I am asking the wrong questions, or in the wrong area, please let me know. Thanks!