PAX Crawl 2-16: Standard Tobacco Blends

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Oct 10, 2013
OK, we're starting a fresh thread here for the February 2016PAX Tobacco Crawl of Standard Tobacco Company of Pennsylvania blends. The good folks at P&C have kindly put together a 5-tin set for this crawl:

Here are the separate links to the tins:
John Cotton's 3-tin sampler (Free Shipping)

Bengal Slices

War Horse Ready Cut
OK, so here's how we're going to progress:
John Cotton's Number 1

John Cotton's Numbers 1&2

John Cotton's Smyrna

Bengal Slices

War Horse Ready Cut

This gives a good progression from delicate to gale force, and also gives some time for the War Horse to arrive. We'll commence on Friday, or sooner if you already have a tin of Number 1 on hand.
Our Fearless Leader, Brass is recuperating from some unexpected eye surgery, and expects to be offline for at least a week, so he's handed over the keys to Russ and I for this just go around. Let's all wish Brass a speedy and successful recovery, as we light the first bowl in his honor.
Let The Show Begin! Russ and I will be checking in daily to join in on the fun and answer your questions.



May 5, 2014
John Cotton #1
Can we go over the constituents of the blend? I don't want to let trade secrets our of the bag, but type of leaf used would be helpful to me personally.
There is a cloying flavor I don't taste in many blends. I want to say Basma or Smyrna or Samsun, but am probably wrong, only because I don't get to taste them very much. There is something "unique" about this one. Slightly cedar-like, slightly floral or incense-y.
I tired a bowl last night and will try another today.



Oct 16, 2009
The Oriental leaf is a combination of Izmir and Basma with small amounts of other varietals. The rest of the blend is a combination of different grades of Virginia and Latakia.



Feb 10, 2015
Really waiting on that war horse plug Dan. Feb 16th hmm I will have to jump in on this one.



May 5, 2014
Ok, so I'm not sure what to think of this. It has a unique flavor. Probably one of those love it or hate it blends. It smokes easy, cool, and consistent. The flavor is constant with each puff, never changing. A bit too monotone to keep my palate fully engaged. There is a unique enough flavor here that it may warrant an occasional break from my current staples, but I really don't think I could smoke this one all day. Kind of like it should be enjoyed as a treat. This is my impression after 3 bowls.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 3, 2014
As luck would have it I am currently in possession of the Canadian box pass and each of these blends are in it. I'll be setting some of each aside and following this thread with interest. I'm not great at picking out flavourings and stuff, I think I fried my taster after too many years of cigarettes.
I've just tried some John Cotton's Number 1. I'm not a huge fan of English/Balkan style but I found this one was quite pleasant. The latakia is mild and what I assume is the oriental leaf shines through. It smells pretty good to me and I wasn't kicked out of the room for smoking it. I think it would make a good introduction for those looking at getting into this style of pipe tobacco.

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Just placed my order for the pack.
Already have a tin on John Cotton's No. 1. I'll crack it open and get to posting, my thoughts. Loved it at the West Coast Show. Hope it's as good as I remember.
I will say my initial impression was a nice light all day English blend with a more agreeable room note than most. From the first bowl I'd say it's a great intro to Latakia.



Oct 10, 2013
I'll be interested to see your impressions of the tinned version. The sample that I gave you at the West Coast Show was blended by Russ, by hand, using the same tobaccos that are in the tinned version. As far as I can tell, they are spot-on the same thing, but perceptions vary. It's what keeps stuff interesting!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 28, 2015
I opened a tin of this last night. The last tin I had bought before the reintroduction was in 1992 and I believe the tin was dead stock with a little age. Now if anyone wants to prove me wrong send me your old tins of #1 :wink: but I had forgotten what #1 tasted like untill I smoked this. This blend took me back to that old tin.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2015
I was fortunate enough to try some No. 1 from the Canadian box pass and liked it right away.
Today I opened my tin in great anticipation and loaded a bowl. It was nice that the tobacco was at a good moisture level to smoke right away.
Most of all I notice a strong spice taste. It's a real nose tingler on the retrohale. Underneath there is the subtle cedar/floral thing happening that clickclick mentioned but I also get a nice musty taste ebbing in and out which gives the blend some depth imo.
There's a load of flavor here despite the 'mild'

I'd say No.1 is similar to Germain 1820 or Peterson Wild Atlantic, but with a heavier spice taste and fuller, deeper flavor overall.



May 5, 2014
So I have to ask, are sending this in a specific order with a certain number of days for each?

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
I have to say the moisture level in the tin is perfect. If you aren't going to get through it in a week definitely jar it up.
It packs very nicely and takes a light really well, burning fairly cool to a nice white ash.
Flavor wise I'm getting a good amount of sweetness from the Va's with a little incense from the Orientals and some smokiness from the Latakia. It's pretty consistent throughout the bowl.
I also get the cedar/floral thing a bit and enjoy it.
I think because of it's consistency it could be an all day blend for some people. I also think because it is fairly mild this would be a great blend for a newbie or for someone looking to try out Lakatkia/Orientals.



Oct 10, 2013
Isn't it interesting which flavors come through when Latakia is used so sparingly? The cedar notes that a few of you mention is most certainly from the Latakia, and the musty/floral aroma from the orientals. Russ hit the balance just right on this, a delicate teeter-totter in 3 dimensions, wafting between the delicate presence of each leaf.
csharp, thanks for the affirmation. A Simon says, it's insights like yours that make this wild ride all worthwhile.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2015
@woodsroad- it's very interesting. Fascinating actually. There're several blends that I am reminded of during the course of smoking No.1, very distinctly,but all at different times throughout the bowl. It's pretty neat stuff.

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