With film cameras things were simple. Light tight box, a flat film plane, and good glass made photography simple ... capture the image the best way possible with the tools at hand, two controls married together to capture as best as possible what you wanted, aperture and shutter speed. Now, the digital provides all sorts of options which one can utilize or, simply go manual and you're shooting with the equivalent of a totally manual camera. The options available for "in camera" manipulation are phenomenal. It's a whole different world from film and darkroom manipulation. And, you aren't waiting 10 days for Kodak to process and return your "chrome."
I don't miss the darkroom a bit, the chemicals, odors, test prints, the wasted time and material ... Now, it's all in front me, in real time, without the smells and wasteful test prints. I sit in front of the computer, slide sliders, mark areas for change, check the result, reload a pipe, sit back and print quality enlargements and ... tomorrow take to the frame shop for mounting. Now, if I want a metal print or, glass, the file I send to the printer dictates the result not, the eye of the technician. I've come to love digital over film. There simply isn't a down side I can find. It's different from film. Neither better nor worse just, different.