I didn't realize until I started to use digital how much my enjoyment of photography hinged on the whole film shooting experience. I certainly see the advantages of digital and I keep trying to continue using it, but in fact, it has all but killed my enjoyment of photography. I like the smell of film, the darkroom work when I did that in my teens and twenties, the loading and advancing of film, the sound of the shutter, and in those cases when applicable, the wait for the film to be processed, which allowed me to rethink my photo shoot before seeing the results, which could be disappointing or thrillingly better than expected. With digital, everyone is a photographer with their phone, and shoot like crazy and so get some good pictures. That's good! You can even shoot in black-and-white, though now it is just an affect and not much a living genre. But the joy in photography, for me, is much diminished, a frail shadow of how it felt with celluloid. I'd be interested if celluloid came back, like vinyl records, but I think digital has it outgunned, I'm not sure what the appeal would be for people not experienced with it in the past. Someone will do it, for art's sake, but whether it will be available at a moderate price for us old celluloid guys, I doubt. Someone will get a Ford Foundation grant to do it, to much ballyhoo at the New York City galleries.