Hello and sorry for this lengthy post. I am certainly new to pipe smoking (only started around September of last year). For several months I bought a few blends (all aromatics) from a local store and have liked them all, and get different tastes from each. More recently a friend gave me ten brand name blends the first of which I tried was Early Morning pipe, which I greatly enjoyed, in my corncob I used many times before that. Then I tried Cades cove Cavendish, also in that corncob, and I enjoyed it. After that I tried Old Dark Fired in a pipe that I had only used once before and it was with a non aromatic, but I got not taste. So I tried Cult blood red moon in an unused corncob and also got no taste, and then I tried Wilke 191 in my used corncob and got very little taste. Then I tried Prince Albert in my non aromatic pipe and got zero taste as well. Then I tried Boswell's Northwoods in my non aromatic and it went pretty well, with good taste. But I just tried The Red Hunt Warped in my used corncob and once again am getting no taste. Is there some reason I am not getting taste in many of these? A couple are broken flake cut, would not packing them right effect the taste? Is it me? Is it the pipe? I know I'm new but I've been able to taste and even pick out the different notes with all the other blends I've smoked.