No Resistance When I Draw?

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Mar 8, 2021
EDIT: FIxed Capitalization in Title (See Rule 9)

Im all new to pipesmoking and there is one thing that i dont realy like. When i have a full pipe i can feel a nice resistance when i draw the pipe, but the more i smoke the less resistance, and at the Bottom there is absolutly no resistance at all, can a pipe filter change this? Unfortunatly i only have a unfilterd pipe so i cant try?
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Aug 1, 2018
I don't like much, if any, resistance when I draw, if there's any significant resistance it's packed too tight for me and it will negatively effect how it smokes.

To answer your question though, most filters do restrict the draw, some excessively so.
You shouldn't really have much resistance anyways. You want slow sips, or just passive smoke movement when clenching. If you are intentionally drawing a lot with each pull, chances are you are making your pipe hot and killing all flavors. The idea is (for most) to just smoke on the verge of the fire going out. You want the surrounding tobacco to release it's flavors, not just smoke from the burning tobacco. Burning tobacco by itself just tastes like ash.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
contrary to what you read here I feel like you can pack a bowl too lose. Also maybe get a pipe with a smaller hole and hence more resistance. I also am not a fan of too open of a draw. I like to feel a little bit of resistance as I smoke. Not so much I have to struggle or fight to get a sip but too open just doesn't feel right. So maybe pack a little bit tighter. I pack it in the three step method. Which basically means you do most of the packing at the top of the chamber put another pinch in and push it down until you test it and get the a bit of extra resistance (from a test draw) and yes it will take some experimentation until you find what works for you from start to finish. Also tamping helps too but only so much.
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Nov 26, 2018
Most of the times, I do like my draw as free as possible. I smoke very passively with stream of smoke entering with no effort. But when I smoke to all ashes at the end, I do get that feelig that resistance is completely gone. I rarely smoke to complete ashes.