Nicotine Kick

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Feb 21, 2013
The only pouch tobacco that might "help" is Five Brothers. It is burley served very dry and will definitely let you know. It does not come in a tub or come in bulk that I know. The tub tobacco that might have a trace of nic is PC/Russ O.'s match on the discontinued Walnut called Chestnut, which has five or six tobaccos in a non-aro blend. This is part of the Midtown line. Whether you'd feel the nic, I don't know. You could try it in a pouch rather than a tub and see. With Five Brothers, you will.



Apr 24, 2015
Five Brothers for sure. You may think this insane but, make sure your near a restroom when you light up your 1st bowl. You'll need it. Ask all the heavy hitters. Nic hit for sure. :twisted:



Feb 21, 2013
Five Brothers has never treated quite that badly, but my dad was a non-stop Granger smoker, so maybe I was a burley baby. But do treat it with respect, a small bowl or partial bowl for starters. Try it after a good meal to sustain yourself, and have enough water in your system. Go slow at first. After you've made friends, you may wonder what the fuss was about. But I like to be respectful starting out. This is supposed to be a pleasure, not an ordeal. I'll have a bowl of Five Brothers on your behalf and wish you well.



Nov 18, 2013
I never tried 5 Brothers but I smoke Nightcap and have smoked Royal Yacht, both considered heavy on the nic. I have never felt any nic effect I could identify as such. Never felt any from the srongest cigar either. Never been a cigarette smoker, the few I tried years ago I tore the filters off, turned them around and puffed them like cigars. I don't inhale.
Someone I know who was a cigarette smoker said he got woozy off a non-inhaled cigar, so I don't think past inhaling of cigarettes is necessarily the only factor. I think it may have to do with each person's propensity for absorption through the oral mucosa. Apparently I don't absorb much if any.
I could probably smoke 5 Brothers and not feel it, which is just as well because I can't think of any other reason to smoke that tasteless crap.



Jul 10, 2015
Dalzell, South Carolina
Everyone's nicotine tolerance is different. Most OTCs are very low in nicotine, so what I do is add some 5 Brothers to the OTC to give it some strength. My nicotine tolerance is so high that I mix C&D's Old Joe Krantz 50/50 with 5 Brothers and still don't get much of a nic hit.



Feb 21, 2013
shutterbug makes an interesting point. Five Brothers experienced as "tasteless crap" illustrates that pipe smokers experience burley differently. A large segment cannot taste it at all, hence it's tasteless to them. Others experience it as tasting really bad, to the degree that one Forums member threw up trying Tabac-Manil Semois. And others love most burley and burley blends, and most of us find Five Brothers quite tasty. This is established science, that people taste various foods and other tastable products differently. No right or wrong here, no arguing it. We're tasting different things, because of our different genetics.

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