New (to me) The Country Squire Tobaccos

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Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 20, 2011
Just finished a couple ounces of 2 new-to-me The Country Squire tobaccos & wanted to post my impressions since I'm no good at any formal review.

Bill's Blend

The Country Squire website lists Bill's Blend as "a sweet aromatic featuring confectionary notes of vanilla and marshmallow. The room note is superb and will be a treat for your companions. Soft and creamy, this tobacco is easy to keep lit and gentle on the palate. A true smoker-friendly, aromatic gem".

For me, that description is spot-on. High quality tobaccos that are not sticky or goopy. Moist but ready to smoke as soon as you open the zip-lock bag it comes in. Gentle puffing yields that mild vanilla marshmallow taste & great room note as advertised.

Humbly recommended.

Delta Honeydew

The website states this blend is "complex, mysterious, and offers a few surprises. This Virginia-forward tobacco has the subtlety of high grade yellow leaf, while combining it with a small kiss of fruit topping. Additionally featuring the allure of various small-batch condimental tobaccos, Delta Honeydew is a blend that you’ll find yourself reaching for often, but won’t always know why!"

This bit of PR was also true for me. The Virginias are the star of the show but whatever the supporting players are makes this blend a hit! Not bitey in any way. I didn't get kissed hard enough by the "fruit topping" to really detect any fruit, but there is a definite subtle sweetness to it. In the background is either some condimental Latakia or dark-fired tobacco or mysterious tobacco that adds to the overall complexity. And like every Country Squire blend I've tried, the tobaccos are first-rate, & easy as can be to smoke.

I wasn't sure I liked Delta Honeydew for the first few bowlfuls, but it seemed like all of a sudden I really looked forward to that next bowl!

Highly recommended, especially to folks who don't care for "aromatic" pipe tobaccos!


May 8, 2020
Awesome write up. I bought a bunch of 1 oz samples from Country Squire a few years ago and didn't particularly care for them, but last weekend I grabbed a jar of Second Breakfast that I never got around to trying on the first go round and I'm really into it. I'll have to give more of their blends a shot.
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Jul 1, 2023
Glad to hear they were hits for you. I'm working my way through their blends currently. Picked up some Ruins of Windsor yesterday to give a go soon.


Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 27, 2022
Tucson, AZ
A well-done review, I am glad you liked the CS blends.

I am a big fan of The Country Squire and have many of their blends but have not gotten around to the ones in your writeup.
You might enjoy Blue Ribbon and Tombigbee as well. Also give Lamb with Jam at try too.


Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 24, 2020
SE Michigan
I’m smoking my second bowl of Delta Honeydew now. I’ll be darned if their isn’t a kiss of Latakia!

Peter Turbo

Oct 18, 2021
Nice, I like Bills Blend as well and use it as a mixer too. Added Latakia to some as I love that smoky/vanilla combo.

Delta Honeydew sounds intriguing, thanks for the info.