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Jun 21, 2011
You will get all kinds of ways so get ready. What I do is fill and smoke slow for 4 to 6 times and all is good. :puffy:



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
A lot of people start with a half bowl and build up to a full bowl in order to build a cake. Me, I load 'em up and smoke them. After 42 years of pipe smoking I haven't the patience. If the bowl of your new pipe is carbonized so much the better. Enjoy.

Aug 14, 2012
I don't bother with the partially filled breakin anymore either. In the end it doesn't really make a difference. Just keep the smoke cool for the first several smokes.



Aug 17, 2012
I just pack it regularly and smoke away. I don't see alot of buildup at the bottom of the bowl though, I might not be smoking them all the way to the bottom though. Still new.



Apr 17, 2011
Since all my pipes are under $150 bucks, I just fill and if i was to buy a top of the line $1000 pipe, I would smoke half bowls to get the carbon on the bottom, then gradually work my way up to a full bowl.
@deltatangent...I dont think any of my pipes have cake towards the bottom?? but then I usually toss out the last part of the tobacco...I sorta use it like a "filter" for the rest of the bowl



Aug 19, 2012
Thanks. I'll be getting pipe (Peterson) in a few days, and didn't want to make a big mistake. This one is a few more $$$ than the others I own.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 11, 2012
According to Hoyle(this case Peterson) this is what they have to say.
Breaking in the Pipe
"Breaking in your new pipe is a crucial step in making a sweet tasting, long lasting pipe. It takes time, patience and skill. But it is an investment whose rewards will be reaped many fold.
The goal when breaking in a pipe is to develop a uniform cake around the wall of the entire smoking chamber or smoke hole. The cake is actually a carbon deposit left by the smoked tobacco rather than charred wood. The cake serves to insulate the briar and reduces the possibility of burning out your new pipe.
The cake also sweetens the pipe, since the carbon is formed from the sugars in the tobacco. The sweet cake absorbs the flavour of the briar and the result of smoking a pipe with a well formed cake is a mellow, sweet smoke. However, you can have too much cake which is discussed later.
The second and most important step is to fill the pipe only one-quarter full. Light the partial pipeful evenly. Tamp down the burning tobacco and again light the tobacco evenly.
Smoke the pipe slowly and completely. Taking long, slow draws will help to form a good, even cake. It is important to smoke the pipe to the bottom to establish the cake all the way to the bottom. The cake at the bottom of the bowl is the most difficult to develop and this is why such care must be taken in the breaking in process.
After smoking a few pipefuls at one-quarter, move up to smoking at one-half full, then several at three-quarters. Allow the pipe to cool after each smoker and after a few pipefuls remove the residue from the bottom of the bowl. This must be done very carefully so as not to disturb the cake which you have obtained with your efforts. The purpose of gradually increasing the tobacco level is twofold – first, it will help form an even cake from the bottom to the top of the bowl and second, it ensures that the new pipe will not become overheated and burn out before it has a thick enough cake."

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