NC is pretty well represented here.That's pretty close to me
NC is pretty well represented here.That's pretty close to me
My pipes fall roughly into the following categories:I’ve been a pipe smoker off and on for 10 years or so, I have always smoked aros mostly I have tried English blends 1st was early morning pipe and night cap, night cap seems to be a whole lot stronger both are good smokes, I have a pipe that I smoked aros out of but was trying to covert it to a English pipe any suggestions on coverting it over to english
Thanks, my taste buds are pretty sharp at the time, i have around 6 active pipes I use, I did use one of my aros for a English blend and it wasn’t pleasant at all, didn’t know how to get rid of that ghost in it ,there only a thin carbon layer in the pipe its a briarDepends on how many pipes you have, how you clean your pipes, and how sensitive your taste buds are.
If you don't build cake, this reduces the potential for ghosting. Some of us scoop out the ash and wipe out the bowl with an abrasive paper towel, avoiding cake while maintaining a necessary thin carbon layer. That maintains the original diameter of the chamber and eliminates the need for reaming.
Also if you have a lot of pipes, that reduces the carry-over of flavors.
And finally, if you have sensitive and discerning taste buds you might want to designate pipes just to maintain a purist's experience of your blends. For others of us, a little ghosting is okay.
Lakeland aromatics with the rose geranium flavoring are smoked only in designated pipes by most pipe smokers because their flavoring is so distinctive, and especially so persistent, you just don't want that with other non-Lakeland blends. But that is a singular case.
So with that information, it is up to you. I don't have any designated pipes. I have quite a few pipes, in the neighborhood of 90 plus. I don't own a reamer. I don't smoke Lakeland aromatics, though I do happily smoke Lakeland non-aromatics. But that's all just my choice. Follow your heart ... and your taste buds.
Most of my pipes are Savinelli with 6mm drill, and I just smoke them without using filters or adapter.I’m looking into adding New pipes, is using a filter pipe really that much difference ? I have a Peterson donegal rocky that takes the 9 mm I enjoy the dryer smoke but I have a savanelli bulldog thats non, I’m really into the Sherlock calabash by Peterson just wondering if I should go filter or not especially when it has a deep bend and I don’t classify myself as a wet smoker
Check the tobacco discussion / reviews area.Does anyone have thoughts or trials on Peterson my mixture 965