Thanks for your input guys. I hope you are right philobeddoe.
Harris - The $400 mark is where I kinda put this one as well, so your words give me confidence that my research was accurate. It does have a nice beefy bowl to it but it is deceivingly light; not clenching light, but light enough that you can clench for a few seconds without gnawing on it like a great white shark.
This baby is DEFINITELY a flake pipe. I got 10 tins of Wessex BCDF from 4noggins last week and also received some Brown VA flake. This may be a dedicated Wessex pipe, although I am looking forward to my 6 tins of Astley's 44 to come in later this week.
Harris - The $400 mark is where I kinda put this one as well, so your words give me confidence that my research was accurate. It does have a nice beefy bowl to it but it is deceivingly light; not clenching light, but light enough that you can clench for a few seconds without gnawing on it like a great white shark.
This baby is DEFINITELY a flake pipe. I got 10 tins of Wessex BCDF from 4noggins last week and also received some Brown VA flake. This may be a dedicated Wessex pipe, although I am looking forward to my 6 tins of Astley's 44 to come in later this week.