Hey guys, I know I haven't been around a while, I was finishing up semester and this is the first time since I was done with finals I can think straight, but anyhow I got an estate pipe the other day and it is white. Now at first I thought it was white briar, but upon closer inspection I realized it has a plastic screw in stem, like Meers. Then to top it off I sanded some of it to see if I could hit the wood, but to no effect. Then just to make me think it was a briar it has cake on the inner walls, but very little only on the top the rest of the bowl is darkened, but not the same way briars darken, I would add pics but I don't have the time or camera right now, I will in a while or so, but if anyone can give me tips on how to identify if it is a meer or not that would be a great help.
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas