Matching The Pipe To The Face

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Can't Leave
Jan 20, 2016
I have a couple pipes that when I see myself in the mirror, I say, "I'm not going out in public with this look". Is there a "guide" to matching one's face to a pipe. (Years ago I saw a very large woman in a tight short skirt, with a very small dog and a tiny pocketbook. Way out of proportion.) This is how I saw myself with one of my pipes!! Way out of proportion. Now, that being said, in private if I enjoy the pipe, I smoke it. Or do you think who cares?



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 13, 2015
Northern Germany
I was thinking about this too. The only pipe shape I have difficulties with are bent pipes. I always feel that I might look like an old codger with a bent pipe but well, I might look like an old codger even without a pipe.... 8O



Jan 23, 2015
Frankly, as handsome as my face is, I make any pipe that I'm smoking look good. So, I've never really had the need to match a pipe to my face.
'nuff said right there boys....this thread is done!! :clap: :lol:


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
And a fine one you have, chasingembers!
Thank you my friend. My mustache is now informing me that I should buy more pipes from you for your kind words. MPAD! :mrgreen:



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I smoke the pipe, the pipe doesn't smoke me. The best solution to your problem is to quit looking in mirrors. For me the pipe is not a style accessory.
The big plus of a furry lip is, the "after note" of the blend stays with you until the next shower. Also, my dog tends to find hidden treats there.



Feb 13, 2015
Never gave the "pipe to the face" thing much thought, but I can tell you I have a couple of hats that make me instinctively grab a certain pipe. My Father Mulcahy Panama just screams for a classic billiard, for instance.



Feb 21, 2013
I've seen short advice pieces on choosing a pipe relative to your appearance, shape of face, stature, weight. They all sound like bunk to me. If you "wear" a pipe, clench it continually going about your business, you might find some look better than others. I think you have to make an evaluation in the mirror, and be pretty honest with yourself. Smoking seated, I think people can get away with an even wider range of pipes without it making much difference. Since pipe smoking is so restricted in public, it seems to make little difference. No one is going to see me smoking my pipe anyway. So if I want to puff a big oversize pipe, or a tiny one, the comedic effect won't have an audience anyway. Obviously, if you smoke a medium size traditional looking pipe, you're probably okay. If you have a Mummert multi-colored block pipe, of course you would draw attention, and would intend to do so. In short, don't worry about it. In the scheme of things, it hardly matters ... doesn't matter.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 3, 2012
It is actually very important to match the pipe to your face. I always buy big-nosed pipes with weak chins and high hairlines for this very reason. A bit of plateau or some strategic rustication can be a good match for any scars you may have.
To be honest, how well a pipe suits you is as good a reason as any to choose a pipe. It probably makes more sense than buying a pipe because you like the grain pattern or because it has a really cool mammoth ivory accent. And, like with spectacles, your pipe is right in the middle of your face and very noticeable - even more so because pipe smoking is such an anomaly today. It makes a lot of sense to choose pipes that look right on you.

If looks of the pipe are important to you, I know that The Briary has these little pipe stem covers, similar to the stuff they put on thermometers at the doctor's office. It just slides about an inch over the stem, and you can check out how you look clenching the pipe without infecting the thing with your scum. ha ha. For guys picking out pipes.

Personally, I could care less what I look like as well. But, there is a huge section of men who seem more finicky than a woman over what their pipes look like on them. I have even heard of men trading off pipes, because they just didn't like the way a pipe looked "on them." No really, men do this, well at least... male.



Jan 14, 2012
Southwest Louisiana
. This Guy has no Chance to select a proper pipe. :rofl:



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 19, 2014
+1 pipestud. Difference between you and I smoking any pipe, is that I make it look good!! LOL.
Seriously though I do not care what I look like with a pipe in my mouth. I care about how it smokes, weight, bowl size etc. With one exception, the pipe must be normal style. Example, no rubix cube pipes, or steam punk pipes, or toilet shaped, or Effiel tower, plus no neon colors, or pink. Classic shapes with normal colors, I worry not!
I am not trying to put anyone down. If you like the styles I mentioned that I don't. That is wonderful, to each his/her own!! Be damn boring if we all liked the same things.

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