Hi guys,
if I don't check every topic I can loose some nice work. Why you don't post your creations on "Make your own pipe project" to avoid loosing lot of time searching for them? Maybe for this reason I didn't see your pipes before.
Anyway, since I also delight myself in making some pipe, I'll tell you sincerely what I think of your last work.
The shape and the colors of the briar are fantastic. I don't like the shape and the colors of the stem and the insert. I'd prefer a black or white stem. Since I also make experimentations I can understand your choice, but I suggest you to try and change that part (maybe later!) to reach (IMHO) perfection. Naturally, if you are satisfied of your work, forget my suggestions, but don't make my mistake: sometimes I don't like completely the result of my work, but I am too lazy to change it and I prefer to follow a new project!
By the way, English is not my language and I don't understand the meaning of "fiebings powder". Is it aniline?
After all these words, I want to say again that you achieved a really nice work: a shape worth of a designer, carved following the briar's drawing which, together the right choice of color hues, give the impression of the wave seen from above and under.