Los Angeles jumped past a pretty big moment today with its City Council approving a ban on flavored tobaccos. From this LA Times story: L.A. moves to ban selling flavored tobacco, but exempts some hookah sales - https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-06-16/flavored-tobacco-hookah-menthol-cigarettes-la-city-council
"Tobacco products that come in sweet, fruity and minty flavors could soon be banned from store shelves in Los Angeles, under a proposal backed Wednesday by the City Council."
"Much of the debate at City Hall centered around whether to carve out any exemptions to the proposed ban. Council members opted to exempt some sales of hookah tobacco, but decided against an exemption for menthol cigarettes."
The story also notes a ballot measure about flavored tobacco is likely going to be on California's ballot in November 2022.
"Tobacco products that come in sweet, fruity and minty flavors could soon be banned from store shelves in Los Angeles, under a proposal backed Wednesday by the City Council."
"Much of the debate at City Hall centered around whether to carve out any exemptions to the proposed ban. Council members opted to exempt some sales of hookah tobacco, but decided against an exemption for menthol cigarettes."
The story also notes a ballot measure about flavored tobacco is likely going to be on California's ballot in November 2022.