Which Kershaw was it? I have a Skyline that I abuse the crap out of, cleaned up and and gave to my son, and still going strong. Must be 10 or more years old. Then again, there are number of things that will ruin the tip. I used to remove chips off motherboard at work. If nothing was around, I would use my Swiss army knife. Yeah it will eat up the blade, but nothing a file and sharpening stone can't fix.
Like many brands these days, Kershaw have different levels of quality. Mainly to do with steel, but also other parts.
You can get a Kershaw folder for $30. You can also get a Kershaw folder that looks almost identical for $300.
There is a huge difference between low end tool steels like D2 and much better high speed steels like M4.
Not to mention all the boutique carbon steels around today.
I personally won't buy a knife with anything "lower" than Nitro V for tool steel or a 1095 carbon variant.
The Nitro V is perfect for a pocket knife for light-med use. For camp/hunting or bushcraft 1095 is king.....in my opinion. Higher carbon for extreme strength, lower carbon and higher other alloys for edge maintenance and less corrosion.
No steel is perfect, that's why multiple knives is a must.