Smoky, "telling it like it is?" Not hardly. Clearly you've never been in the hole. Being a "man" is horseshit.
I don't need to be 'right'. I don't care what you think. I gave my honest opinion to the OP and was instantly criticized and attacked for it. Suicide IS selfish. Don't like my opinion? Fine. I could care less. And by the way, no one here knows anything about my personal life to tell me 'you've clearly never been there'. Don't try to judge someone you know nothing about.Well, that's not what you said, but since you need to be win. You've clearly never been there. You toss out selfish like it's a given. If you're in the hole it's relief.
The OP appears to need help, not a morality lesson that won't HELP.
Actually this is one of the worst things to say to a suicidal person; it belittles and downplays what is a very serious time for this person. I've struggled with clinical depression for over 15 years; meds don't work, therapy didn't work, ECT didn't work so I basically bootstrap my way through the darker times. Focus on one thing that is important to you whether that be a family member, spouse, friend or even a pet and use that to hold on for one more day. Tomorrow if it is still bad do it again. Seek professional help, it didn't work for me but I do know others that swear to it's effectiveness. Good Luck and feel free to PM me if I can be of any help.Telling someone that others have pulled through much worse situations, and to not give up on life is bullshit? Whatever.
A) You joined the day before yesterday. B) Why don't you take your own advice, "be a damn man" and stop whining about how someone criticized you.I guess some things will never change around here. As always, someone has an unpopular alternative opinion and everyone piles on with the attacks and criticisms.
Well, man up and get on with it already."Yes, Tinner. You have your wish. I will go away."