Levi Garrett Plug Chewing Tobacco

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Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
I had such a pleasurable and nicotine saturated experience smoking Cotton Boll twist, I went hunting for a twist of Good Money I have packed in some pipe tobacco to smoke.

Instead I found a plug of Levi Garrett, at the bottom of a cedar box I have to store tobacco in the garage. It has dried out enough it sort of looked like a plug of Gaslight, except Levi Garrett has sweet smell of licorice and candy instead of catfish bait.

I took and tore off a good chunk and put it on a table, and went to work tearing it in tiny flakes the way I do Gaslight. I loaded this up in a medium sized Tim West apple and placed a firing charge of C&D Ribbon cut Virginia on top to help light it, and fired it up. This is a trick I use to ignite Gaslight, and it also works on Levi Garrett.

When I got Levi Garrett up and burning well, I was expecting another nicotine bomb like Cotton Boll twist, but the opposite happened.

Cotton Boll twist is a strong, simple, delicious smoke that will knock you flat out, with nicotine levels.

Levi Garrett plug makes a bland, nearly tasteless smoke with no perceptible nicotine. It’s mild as a cigarette, and it’s hard to keep lit. There is something of a chemical taste to it, not unpleasant, but not delightful either.

I quit trying to smoke it, and tore off another chunk to chew. Oh my, Levi Garrett is a delicious, sweet and mild chew. There’s not any pipe tobacco I’ve ever tried chewing a little that could hold a candle to Levi Garrett plug to chew. Little kids could chew this on the playground, and like it.

I chewed it a bit and the good flavors disappeared the same way they do from bubble gum, and there was an almost tasteless cud of leaf then, and time for another chew.

So on a hunch I broke off a little Cotton Boll twist and chewed it. Oh wow, what a difference. Cotton Boll does not chew sweet and mild. It tries to burn a hole in your cheek to escape. It fills your entire mouth with real, raw, tobacco flavor. How my grandfather chewed this when he was six with his buddies on the playground in 1886 proves he was a whole lot tougher than I’ll ever be.

I started getting the hiccups and spit it out.

The tobacco companies artificially flavor and sweeten popular brands of chewing tobacco like the gum makers sweeten and flavor chewing gum.

No wonder a cheap package of loose leaf chew costs two or three dollars, and tastes delicious until the sweetness leaves it. It must be made of the big bottom leaves of the tobacco plant treated with additives and sweeteners.

I smoked Levi Garrett plug so you won’t have to.:)

Cotton Boll twist makes an excellent smoke, made from the same good burley leaves used for Five Brothers.

To make cigarette and pipe smoking and chewing tobacco for a mass market, there had to be a lot of laboratory work done, first.

Real, high quality natural tobacco doesn’t need to be inhaled, and it’s so strong you don’t want to try inhaling it.
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May 16, 2021
Cowra, New South Wales, Australia.
I reckon if I tried chewing cotton boll I'd have to take the following day of work to recover.. By the sounds of it.

How a 6 year old could do it astounds me, but I'm in no way doubting that when I say it.

Also it is pretty awesome to read that from a living relative in 2021, his grandfather started chewing in 1886.


Levi Garrett sounds like something I would try though, always wanted to try chew but may never get the chance outside the US, missus wouldn't touch me anyway if I did.

May have to give 5 Brothers a go next order, I mean it's cheap enough.
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Mar 2, 2021
Alabama USA
I once used Levi Garrett plug and pouch tobacco. You reminded why I am so pleased those days are long behind me. It is interesting to think of how something you used to enjoy is now so replusive.
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Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
I reckon if I tried chewing cotton boll I'd have to take the following day of work to recover.. By the sounds of it.

How a 6 year old could do it astounds me, but I'm in no way doubting that when I say it.

Also it is pretty awesome to read that from a living relative in 2021, his grandfather started chewing in 1886.


Levi Garrett sounds like something I would try though, always wanted to try chew but may never get the chance outside the US, missus wouldn't touch me anyway if I did.

May have to give 5 Brothers a go next order, I mean it's cheap enough.
My grandfather was born in Hickory County in 1880 and was among the third generation of white settlers, and his paternal grandmother was of the Osage tribe.

I was born in 1958 when he was 78 years old. Until he was 89 he could lean forward, and start waking around on his hands. Then he slipped and fell down a river bank out fishing with his buddies and broke a hip, which slowed him down considerably. He was bed ridden while recovering and never was really active again until he died at age 92, when I was 14 years old.

He was a fascinating and tough man, and extremely well educated, and well read.

I grew up with him telling me stories of the Slicker War his grandfather told him.

Our family was on the side of the Turk faction against the Jones faction, before Hickory County was formed.

His father was a well to do landowner and no doubt only raised “long green” tobacco to sell as a cash crop.

In any event his reward for turning six and starting public school was using tobacco. He never thought it was harmful in it’s natural form.

And in his case, he certainly didn’t die young of tobacco.:)
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 19, 2016
I had such a pleasurable and nicotine saturated experience smoking Cotton Boll twist, I went hunting for a twist of Good Money I have packed in some pipe tobacco to smoke.

Instead I found a plug of Levi Garrett, at the bottom of a cedar box I have to store tobacco in the garage. It has dried out enough it sort of looked like a plug of Gaslight, except Levi Garrett has sweet smell of licorice and candy instead of catfish bait.

I took and tore off a good chunk and put it on a table, and went to work tearing it in tiny flakes the way I do Gaslight. I loaded this up in a medium sized Tim West apple and placed a firing charge of C&D Ribbon cut Virginia on top to help light it, and fired it up. This is a trick I use to ignite Gaslight, and it also works on Levi Garrett.

When I got Levi Garrett up and burning well, I was expecting another nicotine bomb like Cotton Boll twist, but the opposite happened.

Cotton Boll twist is a strong, simple, delicious smoke that will knock you flat out, with nicotine levels.

Levi Garrett plug makes a bland, nearly tasteless smoke with no perceptible nicotine. It’s mild as a cigarette, and it’s hard to keep lit. There is something of a chemical taste to it, not unpleasant, but not delightful either.

I quit trying to smoke it, and tore off another chunk to chew. Oh my, Levi Garrett is a delicious, sweet and mild chew. There’s not any pipe tobacco I’ve ever tried chewing a little that could hold a candle to Levi Garrett plug to chew. Little kids could chew this on the playground, and like it.

I chewed it a bit and the good flavors disappeared the same way they do from bubble gum, and there was an almost tasteless cud of leaf then, and time for another chew.

So on a hunch I broke off a little Cotton Boll twist and chewed it. Oh wow, what a difference. Cotton Boll does not chew sweet and mild. It tries to burn a hole in your cheek to escape. It fills your entire mouth with real, raw, tobacco flavor. How my grandfather chewed this when he was six with his buddies on the playground in 1886 proves he was a whole lot tougher than I’ll ever be.

I started getting the hiccups and spit it out.

The tobacco companies artificially flavor and sweeten popular brands of chewing tobacco like the gum makers sweeten and flavor chewing gum.

No wonder a cheap package of loose leaf chew costs two or three dollars, and tastes delicious until the sweetness leaves it. It must be made of the big bottom leaves of the tobacco plant treated with additives and sweeteners.

I smoked Levi Garrett plug so you won’t have to.:)

Cotton Boll twist makes an excellent smoke, made from the same good burley leaves used for Five Brothers.

To make cigarette and pipe smoking and chewing tobacco for a mass market, there had to be a lot of laboratory work done, first.

Real, high quality natural tobacco doesn’t need to be inhaled, and it’s so strong you don’t want to try inhaling it.
Sounds it’s just as much fun to smoke as it is to chew.
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Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
Sounds it’s just as much fun to smoke as it is to chew.
All my life, if a grocery store had one brand of twist, that brand most likely was Cotton Boll. Until not so long ago, the package said CHEW - SMOKE right on it, the same dual purpose type marketthat Prince Albert pocket tins read, FOR PIPE AND CIGARETTE.

And fifty years ago when Prince Albert was 25 cents a pocket tin, all popular cigars were 25 cents a package of five, and a package of Camels was 40 cents, Cotton Boll twist, Union Standard plug, a foil package of Beechnut, or a circle can of Copenhagen or Skoal were about fifty cents, or always more expensive than a package of cigarettes.

The State of Missouri has the lowest cigarette tax in the United States, and taxes all other tobacco products at 10% of the wholesale price, before discounts.

At the little grocery store I can buy Colton Boll Twist, it costs $6, Day’s Work plug is $10, Half and Half is $4.50, and their cheapest Burley brand cigarettes are $2.50. Camel Filters are $5.

I’m certain the store owner would order in any brand or type of tobacco his wholesaler carries.

I just cleaned out some old codger’s supply of Cotton Boll.:)

Let’s see how quick they replenish it.


Dec 22, 2013
New York
Levi Plug when removed from the pouch has an unfortunate paper wrapper around the plug which is soluble but tastes awful. It really isn't a true plug but more a pressed version of the Levi Garrett as sold as loose leaf tobacco in pouches. I am personally very fond of Levi Garrett as well as Red Colored Indigenous Man chewing tobacco (Red Man) as well as Helme Navy Scotch Dry Snuff which is an oral tobacco. As to smoking the stuff it has too many sweetening agents added to it for it to burn or taste of anything. Apparently before WW1 I was told that people chewed twist and then put it in their hat to dry out and then smoked it in a pipe. Maybe this was some form of early 'Green-ism' or an attempt to reduce your carbon foot print.
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Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
Levi Plug when removed from the pouch has an unfortunate paper wrapper around the plug which is soluble but tastes awful. It really isn't a true plug but more a pressed version of the Levi Garrett as sold as loose leaf tobacco in pouches. I am personally very fond of Levi Garrett as well as Red Colored Indigenous Man chewing tobacco (Red Man) as well as Helme Navy Scotch Dry Snuff which is an oral tobacco. As to smoking the stuff it has too many sweetening agents added to it for it to burn or taste of anything. Apparently before WW1 I was told that people chewed twist and then put it in their hat to dry out and then smoked it in a pipe. Maybe this was some form of early 'Green-ism' or an attempt to reduce your carbon foot print.
I’ve watched my mother’s father take a pocket knife to twist and cut off a piece to smoke. The package used to read CHEW-SMOKE on twist. You still can, because at least Cotton Boll twist is just moistened tobacco leaves twisted for sale.

Plug tobacco has always probably been more filler of licorice and sweeteners than actual leaf. Nobody I ever saw tried tearing up a plug to smoke, and now I know why.

My grandfather would also dry out his spent cuds in spittoons made from three pound coffee cans in the sun, and smoke that too.

He was a well to do man, and didn’t need to economize on tobacco. He was raised that way, I suppose.

They stretched everything, even the coffee grounds were reused.

He’s tell me stories about a depression in 1893 and a terrible drought in 1901, and another bad depression in 1907.

He kept his money in Postal Savings until the FDIC insured deposits in the thirties.

They were truly conservative, with money.

Tobacco was something not to be wasted.


Dec 22, 2013
New York
Not all plug is flavored. S&G Virginia Plug is just stream pressed tobacco and can be chewed. Strangely enough Black XX twist is made by coating the 'bee hive' or 'quid' of tobacco with olive oil before the heating and pressing as part of the process. That is what gives it that unique flavor and also makes it unsuitable in my opinion for chewing. My great grandfather who was born in 1859 and died a few years before I was born didn't trust banks so it was either gold sovereigns, Bank of England White Five Pound notes or land for his money. It is a little known fact that most UK banks up until WW1 issued their own banknotes and occasionally went bust leaving the note holders shit out of luck.


May 6, 2011
Olathe, Kansas
I chewed a few times. I began at age 7 which is way to early to start chewing. This went on for a few weeks until I thoughtlessly swallowed some. Bought all I can say is if you ever want to quit chewing that is a sure way to do it.


Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 7, 2020
Micanopy, FL
I had such a pleasurable and nicotine saturated experience smoking Cotton Boll twist, I went hunting for a twist of Good Money I have packed in some pipe tobacco to smoke.

Instead I found a plug of Levi Garrett, at the bottom of a cedar box I have to store tobacco in the garage. It has dried out enough it sort of looked like a plug of Gaslight, except Levi Garrett has sweet smell of licorice and candy instead of catfish bait.

I took and tore off a good chunk and put it on a table, and went to work tearing it in tiny flakes the way I do Gaslight. I loaded this up in a medium sized Tim West apple and placed a firing charge of C&D Ribbon cut Virginia on top to help light it, and fired it up. This is a trick I use to ignite Gaslight, and it also works on Levi Garrett.

When I got Levi Garrett up and burning well, I was expecting another nicotine bomb like Cotton Boll twist, but the opposite happened.

Cotton Boll twist is a strong, simple, delicious smoke that will knock you flat out, with nicotine levels.

Levi Garrett plug makes a bland, nearly tasteless smoke with no perceptible nicotine. It’s mild as a cigarette, and it’s hard to keep lit. There is something of a chemical taste to it, not unpleasant, but not delightful either.

I quit trying to smoke it, and tore off another chunk to chew. Oh my, Levi Garrett is a delicious, sweet and mild chew. There’s not any pipe tobacco I’ve ever tried chewing a little that could hold a candle to Levi Garrett plug to chew. Little kids could chew this on the playground, and like it.

I chewed it a bit and the good flavors disappeared the same way they do from bubble gum, and there was an almost tasteless cud of leaf then, and time for another chew.

So on a hunch I broke off a little Cotton Boll twist and chewed it. Oh wow, what a difference. Cotton Boll does not chew sweet and mild. It tries to burn a hole in your cheek to escape. It fills your entire mouth with real, raw, tobacco flavor. How my grandfather chewed this when he was six with his buddies on the playground in 1886 proves he was a whole lot tougher than I’ll ever be.

I started getting the hiccups and spit it out.

The tobacco companies artificially flavor and sweeten popular brands of chewing tobacco like the gum makers sweeten and flavor chewing gum.

No wonder a cheap package of loose leaf chew costs two or three dollars, and tastes delicious until the sweetness leaves it. It must be made of the big bottom leaves of the tobacco plant treated with additives and sweeteners.

I smoked Levi Garrett plug so you won’t have to.:)

Cotton Boll twist makes an excellent smoke, made from the same good burley leaves used for Five Brothers.

To make cigarette and pipe smoking and chewing tobacco for a mass market, there had to be a lot of laboratory work done, first.

Real, high quality natural tobacco doesn’t need to be inhaled, and it’s so strong you don’t want to try inhaling it.
Gracious I can't wait to try the Boll