Just got back from the police station

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Might Stick Around
Jul 31, 2012
So this morning i woke up about 6 am and went outside for a smoke. I had a couple puffs when i seen a young lady pushing a baby down the street kind of fast so i was being my noisy self and watched. The baby was crying and she started to yell for the baby to shut up, she sick of her, she hates her. As I'm standing there shaking my head because that is just wrong she stopped on the sidewalk across the street from her and was screaming at the top of her lung to stop crying and started to full out slap the baby hard. I ran across the street and pushed the girl away from the baby and called 911. I couldn't really say much because the girl kept coming at me but i was standing between her and the baby.
The police came and naturally put me in handcuffs because i am the male, a decent size and all they really knew is that someone was getting abused. I explained to them what happened and they called for an ambulance for the baby and arrested to girl.
Turns out the girl was 18 and the baby girl was 7 months old. When i left after the video interview and the other paper work and stuff i had to do i asked the officer if they could find out how the baby was. They were able to (but I've been told that i was never told this cause he can get into trouble) but the baby has a broken jaw, fracture ribs and basically the whole side of the body is bruised.
I don't know but when i found that out i wanted just a couple minutes alone with the girl in the holding cell.
It is disgusting how people treat there kids. One of the officers said "yea well she's young" and i think that is a shitty excuse. Young girls seem to be having kids at 15,16,17 at a huge rate here in canada and really it seems like its the "cool" thing to do till they get the little one home and the novelty wares off.
I feel so bad for that baby, just wish i could have stopped it earlier.



Can't Leave
Jul 9, 2012
I hate hearing stories like this. Too many end badly. Thankfully a few like this one have decent moral people step in and do the right thing. Good on you sir. I will drink a toast to you this evening.



Dec 25, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
Good on you brother. There is no excuse for that kind of stuff but you should feel proud for what you did. You most likely saved a life.



Might Stick Around
Jul 31, 2012
I just can't believe it someone. When i look at my son and the struggle i had to get custody of him i could not even think about abusing him. Sure he drives me up the wall but thats what kids are for.... to drive us nuts.



May 4, 2011
You did the right thing intervening and calling the police, even if you did cuffed up for a spell. Any decent human being would have done the same. I agree age isn't an excuse. My wife had her baby at 17 and took very good care of her, even though they were dirt poor. The lady in your case is lucky a man intervened instead of a woman like my wife. My wife is from North St. Louis and would have beat that girl down the road.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 5, 2012
@typical98 There needs to be more people like you in this world willing to stand up and do the right thing.
Hopefully that little girl will find a family that can love and protect her. The "mother" , if you can even apply that title to the piece of crap, should receive the same she gave to that child. If there is any justice she will never be allowed near the baby again.



Jan 13, 2011
Port Coquitlam, B.C.
Glad you stepped up typical; although I fear your response is somewhat atypical in todays apathetic society. You sir are a true hero today, and I hope that the 'mother' (I use quotes as I don't believe simply providing genetic material qualifies one as a parent) gets what she deserves...although knowing Canadian law, I won't hold my breath.
Anyway, kudos my good man! :clap:



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
You certainly did the right thing, I applaud you. There is never any excuse to abuse a child, the girl should have given it up for adoption if she couldn't handle being a mother. Hopefully the authorities will take the baby away for good and give the girl some significant jail time.



Can't Leave
Apr 4, 2011
Alberta, Canada
I'm willing to bet the child will go into foster care after being released form the hospital and you might be served a subpoena. Canadian laws might be a little off but we are still largely founded on social good and when a baby is assaulted with ample evidence and a clear motive (18 year old who made a bad decision and can't live with the consequences, maybe with a drug problem or lack of support and likely with post-pregnancy issues which are very common) it isn't likely that a seven month old baby will be given back.
Baren, your wife is obviously an exception and I'm willing to bet she has an exceptional heart. But the reason there are so many young pregnancies now is because people make life altering decisions without the proper physical and mental development to live with the consequences. People do not usually develop in the proper way to support children at a young age, and nobody should have to without a support system. People need to realize, no matter how old you are, you choose to screw up. We always have a choice even if its between two evils.



Might Stick Around
Jun 30, 2012
Gentlemen! This is very sad, and the child should definitely taken from the mother. But show some compassion! The young woman was abused in the same way when she was young, that is all she knows about nurturing. Now that is really sad! It is providence that typical98 was able and willing to intervene. Good job!



Aug 14, 2011
I'm thankful you were there to stop the assault Typical. You're a hero. Keep up the great work.



Can't Leave
Apr 4, 2011
Alberta, Canada
Gentlemen! This is very sad, and the child should definitely taken from the mother. But show some compassion! The young woman was abused in the same way when she was young, that is all she knows about nurturing. Now that is really sad!
That is an assumption that one cannot base an argument on. It isn't logical. A girl beat a baby and that is all that is known. Based on that it is clear that no compassion can be shown except towards the baby and the girl should be punished (she should be punished either-way). If she was abused in the same way you would be right but who knows.



Might Stick Around
Jul 31, 2012
Thank you guys for what you have said. The baby who i have learned name is Sarah is in my heart and i am trying to find out what hospital she is at so that i can see her. I don't know why i want to see her but i just can't get her out of my mind and i am worried sick if she is okay or not.
We as parents and men are here to protect our family and young like any other animal is this world. I am on the poor side and my son and pregnant wife will eat and be clothed before me any day. Ive gone a couple days living off of peanut butter and crackers just so my sons and wife can eat properly. To have that normal instinct in me and to see something like that I'm just shocked.

I hope that baby Sarah is going to be okay and loved.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 11, 2012
gentlemen! This is very sad, and the child should definitely taken from the mother. But show some compassion! The young woman was abused in the same way when she was young, that is all she knows about nurturing.
So, abuse perpetuates abuse? That's a cop out plea all too many defense lawyers take in favor of their client in hopes it will sway the jury to feel sorry for their clients and they were only doing what they seen and experienced...horse crap! That idea has gotten way too many off the hook and kept our of the slammer. that, in part, is what kept Casey Anthony out of prison. Just my take on this. I don't' fee sorry for the mother, she had a choice in the methodology of responding to a helpless child's naturally inclinations and responded in a negative, neurotic way. She needs time at the psychiatrist's office as well as some pokey time.



Jun 16, 2012
You really did the right thing there! That little girl could I've been killed if it went any further. My first daughter is going to be born in November and this makes me sick to my stomach! Glad you were there to save a life that just barely began.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 29, 2011
My wife and I can not have children, though I would love kids. A story like this saddens me - there's are so many who would like to have a child but can't. On the other side, there are many children in the world that have parent(s) in name only. Typical98 you have now been more of a parent to Sarah, than her own mother.

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