It Turns Out Scottie Piersel Eats Puppies

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Mar 7, 2013

And since reps her stuff and is an advertiser here, I'd say Kevin has a problem.
Sykes, too, for that matter.
8O 8O 8O



Feb 13, 2015
One doesn't make pipes like that without first meeting the devil at a crossroads at midnight. I thought that was understood here in the pipe community.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
That explains why Bruce and I get along so well. Puppy back ribs are delicious.



Jun 11, 2017
Don't worry. The puppy patrol gang will get her when she least expects it. They are bad a..s.


Actually, I saw that on Sasquatch's site a while back and laughed. It is very typical "pipe people" humor.



Jul 16, 2012
No shit, only a real heathen eats a mini-dachsund without kraut.
In seriousness, or as serious as I'll get here on a Friday night, when I wrote that a few years ago it made at least a little sense - at this point I need to rewrite that stuff - Andrew quit, Bruce more or less retired, and I gotta add that big asshole Alden: obvious puppy eater.
Less seriously, I decided a long time ago to not wear leather pants and a silk shirt and sell my pipes in little leather bags and carry them in a little aluminum case like EVERY other pipe maker (and especially Ernie Markle). So I started doing funny stuff, like teasing people, and selling my pipes in big fuzzy sasquatch scrotum bags - the opposite of the "high grade" crowd. Because I sell pipes mostly to Joe Sixpack and not Joe Collector. And it's fun for Joe Sixpack to think I shipped him a dead rat (and it's fun for Joe Sixpack's kid to have a sleeping bag for her Barbie). It's fun. All this stuff is super fun, making pipes... fun.

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Jul 16, 2012
Harris, the is no "strategy", really. There's pipes, and at this point, they're pretty good. I do what I do. And anyone that likes that can buy my pipes, and anyone who wants something else in a pipe or a pipemaker, can get it, that's what's so great here. The truth is, there's very little separation between most handmade pipes these days- we all have briar, we all have ebonite, we can all drill and file and sand. I don't have any mystical process, and neither does Scottie, or Ryan. Or really anyone else (save for a few who go to the extent of oil curing). We all know how to do this.
So why would anyone buy a pipe from me, rather than Scottie, Nate, Bruce, Wojtek, Clark, Stephen, Michael, Mikael, Mikhail, Mikhail, Mikhail, Mycah (or the other Mycah) or Sam or one of the other Todds even... I mean, the choice is endless. So I'm honest about that. These people are my friends, by and large, I'm happy if they sell pipes. I sell lots of pipes, and I sell lots of pipes to people who are looking for their first "gooder" pipe, and usually I hit it good enough that they become handmade converts - I'm a gateway drug, as it were.
But the mysticism, the sales pitch? Nah. I make pretty good pipes, that's the pitch. I've made a hundred changes over the last ten years (you yourself Harris had a couple BSTs at one point, and found that you preferred a slightly flatter stem bite, if I remember right). And in truth, it may be flatter these days, I don't even know. It's a process, a journey towards an uncertain end. And I love every step. That's the pitch, I guess - I love pipes more than anyone, that's gotta be worth something. :wink:

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