Is This Pipe Burned Out?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 27, 2017
Saskatchewan, Canada
Hey all, first time poster here. Waiting for my shipment of tobacco from smokingpipes, but while I am doing that I have a question to ask the more experienced here. My uncle passed away this past fall, and he used to be a dedicated pipe smoker. Anyways, he gave me this pipe when I was like 9 years old haha, and I've kept it my whole life. Just says "Well Bent - Italy", but looks like a Peterson 317 System Standard (in my opinion). Anyways, that's not the reason for this posting.
Anyways, I want to smoke the old pipe he had given me, but I noticed (now that I'm actually into pipes) that the outside of the bowl looks dark in a couple of areas. The inside of the bowl (sorry for the poor pic) actually doesn't look that bad to me, although it needs some cake in it. So my question is this: Are the dark spots on the outside of the bowl due to him smoking it too hot in the past (and thus the reason he passed it to me), or is it simply the grain of the briar? I'm hoping it is the latter, and I (naively perhaps) believe that I should see some manner of burn out inside of the bowl as well... would this be a correct assumption to make?
Thanks for the answers in advance! I look forward to picking the brains of so many brilliant people on this site



Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
Even briar pipes with a stain will darken over time just as a natural briar pipe will darken. It's usually not as noticeable due to the stain, but they will darken. From the pics you posted the bowl looks pretty good. Not sure what the burn marks are from unless they are external burn marks, or darkening of the briar from many years of smoking. Its hard for me to say, but maybe someone else can provide more information. Either way I would cherish the pipe and enjoy it from time to time as a way to remember your Uncle.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 1, 2017
Like doc said, could be from sitting in an ashtray or the briar has internal pits/fissures sweating out goop. Got a couple pipes that have discolored in spots from that. Looks fine to smoke.



Mar 25, 2016
Doesn't look like burns at all. It looks like the stain's faded over the years ... and just faded less in a few spots.
Nice pipe, by the way. I'm a particular of 312s and 317s. :puffy:



Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
I can't answer your question but I can say that Well Bent pipes were 'basket pipes' popular in the 1970's and often emulated the styles of Peterson pipes even down to the faux p-lip looking stem.
I shouldn't worry too much about the dark patches...just load it up and fire it up :puffy:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 27, 2017
Saskatchewan, Canada
Awesome, thanks for all the replies guys! I shall give it a whirl next week if all goes well.
jpmcwjr, I don't think he was left handed. I remember going to his house as a kid and smelling the aroma of his pipe tobacco, although I think he just used whatever he could find locally (Captain Black or Sail). I think I know where some of his old pipes are though.
ophiuchus, I love the look of Peterson's. I actually got a Peterson Smooth System Standard 314 from my brother about 3 years ago for being his best man. Haven't smoked it yet... long story behind that one. Just looking into picking up pipes as a casual thing.
mawnansmiff, I appreciate your knowledge of the Well Bent brand! I figured it was a knock off of a Peterson, but beyond that I knew nothing. I'd personally love a Peterson 317, perfect for those quick little smokes in the winter. But that is money I don't have at the moment.

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