fathead, welcome aboard. Interesting "resume." I posted my avatar from an upright photo, and it came up sideways. I'm a luddite, non-tech type, so some kind soul had to come along a few months later and put me right-side up. Embarrassing but true. I quit pipe smoking in solidarity with my late wife quitting a heavy cigarette habit. We agreed I'd enjoy a cigar or two on business trips. After a long stretch of being a widower, I remarried, a woman I'd known since we were 19. She's had some serious surgeries related to infection and hip replacement revisions. (Before this we did a lot of travel and gadding about.) When she was in rehab, I needed a way to center and compose myself in the evening, after hospital or rehab. Alcohol was an impediment to early rising, late evening commutes, etc., so i picked up the pipe again. That's my version of a pipe hiatus.