It is a bummer to fall in love with a tobacco that is going out of production. I'm sorry. Rotten luck. But, at the same time, the first time I ever saw anyone post anything about Strang was just a few months ago, first time I ever heard of it, so all of us that tried that blend and loved it are just passing that ship in the night.
I did get a chance to set aside a little for future use, but not nearly as much as I would like to have. But, oh well.
Condor is another one. I just tried that one recently, loved it, and the. I hear that they will stop making it. Moral to the story is to buy as much as you can afford of what you like, because it might not be around for long. Or, just learn to deal with rejection, maybe. Ugg, I wish that I could afford to avoid rejection of all blends that I try and like.
All in all, we are lucky to have tried it, and we have the stories to remember it by.