Im from Norway.
Been smoking pipes for a few years now.
Well ive been smoking a pipe every easter for many years, i guess because my grand father smoked a pipe back in the days..
I used to crack open sigarets and put it in my pipe and smoke it as a easter tradition.. A pipe stamped made in china..
A few years ago i broke the tennon off, and i trew it away ind figured id make my own pipe.
I did so and it was a crap pipe..
So i searched alittle bit about pipes on the internet and realized that i havent ever realy tryed pipe smoking.
You can read a whole day just about how to pack a pipe, i just jammed the tobacco in and lit it a hundred times..
And hundreds of types of pipe tobaccos..
So i got me some briar and olive wood and made a decent pipe and bought som real pipe tobacco.. capstan i think was my first.. And since then i have been smoking pipes about every day.
Found out that one pipe wasnt enough, also foynd out that people actualy bought used pipes.. newer would have tought that was a thing..
Since the prices on estate pipes were almost free compared to the new pipes i bought a few estate pipes i fixed, and some cheap ebony pipes.
Now i have a decent rotation of pipes and big problem with the pipe tobacco being insanly expensive in Norway..
Been smoking pipes for a few years now.
Well ive been smoking a pipe every easter for many years, i guess because my grand father smoked a pipe back in the days..
I used to crack open sigarets and put it in my pipe and smoke it as a easter tradition.. A pipe stamped made in china..
A few years ago i broke the tennon off, and i trew it away ind figured id make my own pipe.
I did so and it was a crap pipe..
So i searched alittle bit about pipes on the internet and realized that i havent ever realy tryed pipe smoking.
You can read a whole day just about how to pack a pipe, i just jammed the tobacco in and lit it a hundred times..
And hundreds of types of pipe tobaccos..
So i got me some briar and olive wood and made a decent pipe and bought som real pipe tobacco.. capstan i think was my first.. And since then i have been smoking pipes about every day.
Found out that one pipe wasnt enough, also foynd out that people actualy bought used pipes.. newer would have tought that was a thing..
Since the prices on estate pipes were almost free compared to the new pipes i bought a few estate pipes i fixed, and some cheap ebony pipes.
Now i have a decent rotation of pipes and big problem with the pipe tobacco being insanly expensive in Norway..