Hey guys, I saw this video a couple of days ago and found myself a bit confused. The only place I have heard anything like this is from this one video. Our press times are the same, we have not changed anything about our pressing equipment, and it is all in good working order. The swing press which we use to make crumble cakes, plugs, flakes, and ready rubbed products, holds at 2,100 psi. In the case of crumble cakes like Kajun Kake, Briar Fox, Blockade Runner, Black Frigate, Redburn, etc., we press the blocks for 20 minutes at 2,100 psi before transferring each block to vacuum seal for 24 hours. This process has not changed and is the way that crumble cakes were being made at C&D since long before I was at the company.
The change in cut happened in 2016 and has been used on all of our products that use Red Virginia, Bright Virginia, White Burley, Dark Burley, Latakia and Turkish Izmir ribbon. This includes all crumble cakes, 98% of our bulk facings and about half of our tinned facings. If any of you have enjoyed any of these types of products made in the last two years, you have seen that cut.
Autumn Evening, Haunted Bookshop, Old Joe Krantz, Billy Budd, Engine #99, in short, our best selling tobaccos by far, have all featured this cut since 2016, and have continued to be best selling products for us. This cut has also been used in all of the ribbon mixtures for all of the other brands that we manufacture since we use the same components for all the blends that we make. This includes GL Pease, Briarworks, Castello, Two Friends, Druquer's & Sons etc.
As always, if anyone ever has an issue with any of our products, we want to hear about it. I want to hear about it. I will be happy to discuss our processes, tobacco selections, and anything else that I can be of help with.
PM me here, email me at info@cornellanddiehl.com, call us at (800)433-0080.