Had a pipe with a pit viper - No, not your ex wife...

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Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 19, 2014
I was outside last night smoking a nice bowl of Key Largo during a tropical thunderstorm and saw this little pit viper coming my way from the palm tree in the terrace. It's a bothrops jararaca, near as I can tell.
I've spent a long time working in the north woods of Canada, and honestly, I'd be a hell of a lot more content if I caught a glimpse of a grizzly bear slinking through my yard than one of these things. At least you can see the shiny claws of a bear. This snake just about made it between my legs before I spluttered hot embers on my lap and leaped to my feet for action.
I swept it into a bucket and continued on with my pipe smoking for awhile until it hit me that perhaps it's mother might still be close by. It was dark, and the shadows darker, so I decided I had enough of the beautiful thunderstorm and retreated indoors... because of the rain, of course.





Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2014
It looks like a nightcrawler with a pit viper head! That thing is tiny! How big do they get?

Yikes, I was once bitten in the hand by a cotton mouth. My friend I was with told me that they weren't too terribly deadly, that I might try just laying down and riding it out. Digging the thumb of my good hand into his windpipe, I convinced him to take me to the ER. I don't ever want to be close to a viper again. That was the worst pain in my life.

He's an ugly rascal.



Mar 19, 2013
The small ones are wicked. I really hate snakes - I'm from the badlands of South Dakota and I can smell them!



Jun 23, 2013
The Hills of Tennessee
Wow, close call! She's a pretty little thing though. I still wouldn't want it so show up at my feet, but it is pretty!
@plateauguy. Around here in Tennessee, we have craploads of Copperheads. They actually give of a smell similar to cucumbers. Most times, you can actually smell them way before you see them.



Feb 21, 2013
I don't know the natural history of snakes that well; do the parents hang around to protect the young? Is there

any parenting process? I thought most reptiles were like turtles, who lay the eggs and let the little ones find

their way to the ocean and fend for themselves. Non-venomous snakes make good neighbors to most farmers,

I think, in keeping down the rodent and other varmint populations. Tobacco farmers think well of having a

good big black snake to "guard" the tobacco barns, so they don't meet worse going about their business, or

so I've heard. A friend had her dog bitten by a copperhead. The dog eventually healed, but it wasn't easy or

pretty. Copperheads can be aggressive, more so than many venomous snakes. I hear they don't retreat much.

I don't see many snakes when I'm out hiking, etc., which makes me fear I'm stepping over them like Mr. Magoo.



Oct 20, 2010
I grew up in Florida and have had my share of contacts with diamond back rattlesnakes, coral snakes, cottonmouths and other deadly snakes. I have a strong opinion that you kill first, then identify the snake.



Jan 30, 2012
Hazel Green AL
I remove snakes for a pest control place, and catch them for local universities when they ask. Being surprised by that under my feet though, would have been a gun shot followed by a change of drawers



Jun 19, 2013
Oh man! I've been around a lot of cottonmouths and diamondbacks. I HATE snakes.

Jan 8, 2013
Man, snakes are one animal I just cant stand. Quick, small and deadly. Just not my idea of a good smoking buddy.

Feb 26, 2014
ssjones; south american species if indeed "jararaca"....
I know in Ontario we only have one poisonous snake and that's the Massassauga rattler which is only found around Georgian Bay/L. Huron...they too are tiny like this little viper.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 4, 2013
My cat likes to bring them (alive) up on the porch to play with while I'm smoking. It's a little unnerving until I can identify them. So far, they've all been non-venomous. But we do have copperheads and rattlers around, so I'm sure it is just a matter of time. ...and I smoke in the evening/dark a lot of times. This has me thinking now... :puffy:



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 19, 2014
Seems I have some company here with some of you guys coming across these critters! I'm originally from Canada, but I have a home on the edge of Sao Paulo that I come to. It's in a protected watershed, so there's enough jungle remaining for some to hide out in.
This one was small. I'm pretty certain it's a bothrops jararaca. The band at the eye and the white grub of a tail is a pretty good indicator of a juvenile, apparently. A couple of years ago I found a big one in the garden when I was removing some branches, but it was cold and it just stayed coiled up. I left it alone and never saw it again... perhaps it's breeding.
My new policy will be to send my son through the bushes before I do any more gardening... "Really thrash those plants son! No... over there! That's it... that's a good lad."
I did some work around the Okanagen in B.C. and saw a rattlesnake (Western rattler), which I had no idea was even in Canada. I've seen a few poisonous snakes here in Brazil, along with some spiders that aren't friendly, but usually they're always going away! Out of sight and out of mind is always fine with me, as far as these things are concerned. This little fucker came right up to me and I wonder what it was thinking? Maybe Key Largo is irresistible to them too?!? There was a heavy rain, so I guess maybe it's hiding hole was washed out and it saw I was warm and dry.
I used to work a forestry job in B.C., spending a heap of time using helicopters to go to places no ordinary person would go. I've seen a fair number of grizzly bears, some up close, and even with their beady little eyes and sharp claws, they seem a lot more friendly than a snake to me.
I'm going to take it to the snake institute here in Sao Paulo, get a free pass to the snake zoo and come home with some anti-venom. Apparently you can buy a kit here! Anyway, I want to smoke my pipe in peace, so I figure if I have a shot full of anti-venom, if one of these buggers gets me, I'll just jab it into my arm and keep on puffin'
At least, that's what I figure pipe smokers from days gone by would do. Just grit your teeth man!
Cosmicfolklore- Did it leave a permanent mark? I mean, other than on your very soul?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 11, 2014
You have good karma to see that one coming towards you. But I agree might need to smoke at a different place during the rain.

From my understanding. The smaller ones are more deadly because they can't control the amount of venom when they strike like the older ones. Very lucky man

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