shutterbug, I'd take a more evenhanded angle on this. These old blends are not premium blends, and some of the casings and flavorings are heavy handed, and in my case, can give some chemical burn. But the codgers and others who smoke them for years aren't masochists, and many get some satisfaction from them. Some of these (mostly) guys may be cheap, but some of them are just thrifty and living within their means and enjoying a pleasure they can afford. So I unquestionably like my Tabac-Manail Semois and my GL Pease, Russ O., and Cornell & Diehl ... Mac Barens, Dunhill and McClellends, etc. But I sometimes enjoy some of the old standard blends and find some of them pretty good, after all. Romanticizing? Maybe not so much. Some of us may double back around and find a few of these we can enjoy, if the selection gets culled.