I've been reading these forums for what seems like forever, so I finally decided to break down and start an account. I used to smoke a pipe in my 20s - mostly junky aromatics, but also DPE, which was a very good cube-cut burley/English blend now sadly gone.
I took up the hobby again a couple of years ago. Have been mostly smoking VaPers, with Escudo being my current favorite. I also like Billy Budd, so I've been meaning to get more into Latakia blends. Anyway, thanks for providing me a lot of entertainment as I searched threads using 'site:pipesmagazine.com' on Google. Hope to contribute a little to the fun as I can.
I took up the hobby again a couple of years ago. Have been mostly smoking VaPers, with Escudo being my current favorite. I also like Billy Budd, so I've been meaning to get more into Latakia blends. Anyway, thanks for providing me a lot of entertainment as I searched threads using 'site:pipesmagazine.com' on Google. Hope to contribute a little to the fun as I can.