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Oct 16, 2020
This is a favorite. We took a boat ride to the Isle of May from Anstruther on our first trip to Scotland. Spent a few hours hiking about and taking loads of pics of puffins, in particular. On the way back to Anstruther a few puffins were doing their thing in open water so I decided to take some more pics if we were close enough and basically lucked into this one. Most folks had their cameras tucked away and were huddling inside (it was a little chilly, haha) - just one of those lessons about right place, right time, be ready and you might get lucky. Nikon D3300, VR zoom all the way to 300mm, f7.1 at 1600. Had it set to one of the program modes, can't remember which.

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Oct 16, 2020
Another favorite and the above made me think of it. On a coastal California trip a few years ago we stayed a couple nights in Sausalito so we could spend a day in San Francisco. Took this with my little Fuji x100f from the bow of the ferry we took across first thing in the morning - was pleasantly surprised with the result. ISO 200, f8, 500 - it was in the aperture priority mode and had the EV dial turned down 1/3. Again, just a lucky shot on a chilly morning alone in the bow of a boat hoping to get some good pics (and honestly, this is the only one worth a darn of the several I took on the way across and coming into the pier).



Oct 16, 2020
You guys and your high tech, photo reactive devices. I take my pictures with the old fashioned way with hand carved relief printing and collagraphs. The location is outside the studio in Birmingham.
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And that makes me think of this photo I took which isn't great at all (a guy painting on the other side of the house limited access) and only notable because of the above, lol. Officially freaked out for the rest of the day, thanks a lot! Tippi never recovered. @jpmcwjr - sorry for the slight derail!
