G. Huybrecht Pipe

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Dec 10, 2013
Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Thank you gentleman. The George Huybrecht made pipes were highly acclaimed; carved from flawless briar,
and fitted with handmade stems. praised for their perfect engineering and smoking capacities.
Even more peculiar ( and imho moving too ) is the history of England's smallest, best hidden and possibly most obscure pipe industry ever.
So were the Maurice pipes, but that is an entirely diffrent story.
Perhaps I gravitate to the obscure.


Jun 5, 2018
Might we see an up-close image of the stamp(s), and of the opposite if it's marked as well?

There's a little history on Pipedia that has made me somewhat curious as to the date of the pipe's manufacture. Do you know if yours is an original production, or one of the 2006 stummels? I say "original" with some hesitation as I don't know how much is known about the period of their manufacture in relation to the company's history, but it would be very interesting information.

"In the late 1990's the last Mr. Huybrecht retired and passed away a few years later. He left over a 100 bowls. Many were unstained and without stems. In June of 2006 we located the old bowls and are now having them stained and stemmed. The mouthpieces are hand cut Vulcanite and every pipe is stamped "London Castle, G. Huybrecht". [Pipedia]
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Dec 10, 2013
Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Might we see an up-close image of the stamp(s), and of the opposite if it's marked as well?

There's a little history on Pipedia that has made me somewhat curious as to the date of the pipe's manufacture. Do you know if yours is an original production, or one of the 2006 stummels? I say "original" with some hesitation as I don't know how much is known about the period of their manufacture in relation to the company's history, but it would be very interesting information.

"In the late 1990's the last Mr. Huybrecht retired and passed away a few years later. He left over a 100 bowls. Many were unstained and without stems. In June of 2006 we located the old bowls and are now having them stained and stemmed. The mouthpieces are hand cut Vulcanite and every pipe is stamped "London Castle, G. Huybrecht". [Pipedia]
london castle Huybrecht pipe 06.jpg
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Dec 10, 2013
Nijmegen, the Netherlands
I think early pipes, at least the ones I have are only marked London Castle. Maybe that is a way to date them?
Hi Don,

Hello Don,
I do recall we "met" in an earlier post about LC and Dulwich pipes :)
This is the first one I stumbled over marked G Huybrechts, so you could be correct !
Or ( possibly more likely ) it is vice versa and the earlier ones were marked GH.
I believe there is not a safe method to date the pipes, but please stand me corrected if so.
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Can't Leave
Apr 10, 2016
I have the same shape. It is a GH bowl finished by Mike Blakemar. I did buy a few pipes, 8 or so I think in the nineties, all stamped London Castle. My wife and I visited him once at his office. As far as remember his father came from Belgium to London just after WWI.He also told, that Astleys was almost his best costumer at that time.
Mike Blakemar have a G. Huybrecht stamp. Mike gave me a list over Mr Hs stamps. Then I could choose. I bought a few of these GH bowls from Mike.


Can't Leave
Apr 10, 2016
Mr H. had his unusual quaint models and two main categories a) Top quality FFF (free from filling) and b)
Selected VSF grade (very slight fill) and .......we do from time to time two lines of inferior cheaper grade briars
although not recommended in two finishes only, matt walnut & Bark rustic.
When you asked him a quistion he would send you a drawing with mm and write you a novel ! I liked that very much.
We visited him on 7th Jan. 1997. I ordered two pipes that day, a dublin and a cavalier FFF quality.
Dec 10, 2013
Nijmegen, the Netherlands
I have the same shape. It is a GH bowl finished by Mike Blakemar. I did buy a few pipes, 8 or so I think in the nineties, all stamped London Castle. My wife and I visited him once at his office. As far as remember his father came from Belgium to London just after WWI.He also told, that Astleys was almost his best costumer at that time.
Mike Blakemar have a G. Huybrecht stamp. Mike gave me a list over Mr Hs stamps. Then I could choose. I bought a few of these GH bowls from Mike.
Meaning me pipe could be a GH stummel, finished, stemmed and stamped by Mike Blakemar ?
If so I'm fine with that ! Or could it be an "original " Huybrecht's one ?
What is your educated guess Jensen ?
Dec 10, 2013
Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Might we see an up-close image of the stamp(s), and of the opposite if it's marked as well?

There's a little history on Pipedia that has made me somewhat curious as to the date of the pipe's manufacture. Do you know if yours is an original production, or one of the 2006 stummels? I say "original" with some hesitation as I don't know how much is known about the period of their manufacture in relation to the company's history, but it would be very interesting information.

"In the late 1990's the last Mr. Huybrecht retired and passed away a few years later. He left over a 100 bowls. Many were unstained and without stems. In June of 2006 we located the old bowls and are now having them stained and stemmed. The mouthpieces are hand cut Vulcanite and every pipe is stamped "London Castle, G. Huybrecht". [Pipedia]

That is an interesting point.
The small business operated 1919-1999 , according to my source production seized with the passing of the last mr. Huybrechts in 1999 .
Alledgedly he exclusively supplied only one retailer, being G.F. Smith and Sons snuff shop 74 Charing Cross Soho. But according to Jensen he also supplied Astleys.
( The shop closed 2011 after a rapid decline following the retirement of its proprietor Vivian Rose, reports say that after his retirement the new staff was hard work and prices exuberant. )
Smith's snuff shop offered the stummels and then the customer decided what stem he/she preffered.
The stummel then was stained and fitted with a handmade stem.
Apparently Maxim Engel , pipes2smoke , also offered a limited number of pipes from mr. Huybrecht's legacy,
fitted with pipes2smoke made stems.
Pipedia also agrees he worked for Barling ( ! ) and carved stummels for FrederickTrant .

I suppose the stummels were not 2006, only finished in that year.
It seems impossible to exactly date my pipe, though I'd really like to know.
Could be old production, unsmoked, could be a GH stummel finished by pipes2smoke, or MB.
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