Want to have some fun? Get out some of your unopened tins and review the constituent tobaccos in the various blends and read the reviews. Boy do I have some choice ones waiting in line. I'd forgotten just why I chose Stanwell's Jubilee, McClellands Dark Star, C&D Riverboat Gambler, Low Country Cooper, and others. Other great ones I've received as gifts. I'm not sure how non-pipe-smokers chose so well. I may not do it, but I could coast for a few years just enjoying what's on hand. But there is that Russ O. trial Balkan blend ... no wonder I never get some of these great tins opened. I'm also looking forward to my two tins of Sutliff Westminster (not to be confused with GLP's blend by the same name, which I do have open and am enjoying). For a kind of hit and miss process, I think I have some winners here. Ever checked out your inventory like this?