I think, with or without the bar, you are very skilled and I enjoyed the whole series of nudes. That being said, I think the bar really confuses the whole thing. The series seems to me to be the antithesis of idealism and glorifying any idea of perfection. It highlights the mundane aspect of human beings. The minimalism of it all really brings that forward, I think this is the best yet because the reflection, while drawing the woman back, leads the eye from her face towards the surrounding colors and brings them together. It flattens it all into one moment. It's very nice. I like it a lot! Censoring the breasts really makes me wonder why she would be nude at all. Why not just paint a face. The feelings evoked and whatever message implied could be made either way, you're good enough to do that. It becomes a statement with the bar, a very clear and precise message about censorship that relies on the audiences abilities to "read" art. That's very boring. What is exciting about the series thus far is that it relies on the audiences abilities to feel and to make very basic and very human connections to your work. You are the mediator and not the instructor, its honest, human, nice. Anyone can appreciate good art, if you cannot your not human. As long as you have senses and emotions good paintings make you feel something and that kind of art isn't pompous and won't turn anyone away. Anyhow, that's enough of my ideology, you might not agree. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, though the respect of ones opinion is something to be earned. Your opinion on paintings should definitely be respected, I'd like to hear it.