Hello again! Found that the MM Country Gent bent has become a stalwart. Well done. The filter (6mm?) was destroyed in my latest light cleaning attempt, and I decided the bit wasn't my favorite so I jumped for a forever stem from Vermont Freehand (sad that I missed out on Walker briarworks). Should I install another one of those cheap filters when using the forever stem? What's the deal with filters in general (besides the obvious)? I was not sure on this. Any and all information is greatly appreciated. Much thanks!
Filters are completely a personal preference. Some people love them, others hate them. I personally like them and wish that all of my pipes had a filter, but that's not the case since there is a much smaller subset of pipes that are nade fir filters than those without. Of my seven briar pipes, two have 9mm filters and one has 6mm filter. Four of my five MM cobs have 6mm filters.
Regardless of the type, filters are primarily for moisture control. However, they will remove some soot, etc. as evidenced by the pipe stem being much cleaner after a smoke with a filter than without and the end of the filter near the bowl will have some buildup on it. I also usually see some dirt in the channels of the Savinelli 9mm balsa filters.
The paper filters that come with MM filtered pipes are junk. If you like a filter, go ahead and smoke one bowl with the paper filter and then toss it. The paper ones are one-time use only anyway. I use the Savinelli 6mm balsa filters in my MM cobs. My understanding is that the Forever Stems are made to fit a MM filtered cob, but don't actually take a filter.
I really like the Savinelli 6mm and 9mm balsa filters. I have tried the Vauen 9mm charcoal filters and actually have a bunch of them, but they definitely do affect the draw so I don't like them as much. The key is to experiment with your pipes, filters, and various blend to see what works best for YOU. When it comes to filters - and most other things as well - nobody is really going to be able to tell your what is right for you based on your preferences.
Also, I only smoke four bowls or so per week and I clean my pipe after each pipe. If you use filters, I recommend waiting for the pipe to cool, then pull out the filter to dry (wood ones will be WET), and clean your pipe. I then cut off the dirty end of the filter to use it again. I can usually get 3-4 smokes per balsa filter depending on the blend.