Fast Five Final Questions

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Feb 28, 2014
1. Right now a tie - peterson flame grain billiard 106 and my tinsky black dress coral canadian.

2. Irish Flake

3. Small batch/single barrel bourbon and craft beers.

4. Music while sitting out back at my table on a nice sunny day watching my 3 dogs romp around in the yard.

5. Not one specifically, but I really enjoy my time at my local b&m sitting and chatting with new and old faces about everything you can think of.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 27, 2013
It's a lot of fun reading everyone's answers. My favorite question is the one about a "favorite pipe memory." Lots of good stuff in answers to that one.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2013
1) Savinelli Extra 504 Bulldog that was my Grandfather's that I refurbished this summer.

2) It varies but either FMOTT or PSLNF

3) Good Milk Stout, Coffee

4) Sucker for movies but love to read

5) This past September my Father, Uncle, Cousin, and I were out on my Father's boat. My Grandfather had been in hospice for nearly 2 weeks by this point and everyone was tired, stressed, and anxious for the inevitable passing of my wonderful, former pipe smoking Grandfather. I remember very clearly I was smoking Sutliff Field Master in my Peterson Kapmeer Bent Bulldog. Enjoying the evening we decided to throw out some lines and troll for salmon. Eventually we catch a Northern Pike! Not a particularly big one but the rarity of catching a pike while fishing for salmon was notable. Around this time we got a call that my Grandfather had indeed finally passed. While the moment was very sad, it was also very happy; my Grandfather would have loved that we were out on a boat, fishing, enjoying a pipe and each other's company. One of many wonderful memories I will cherish for the rest of my life.



Feb 6, 2014
As i started out 3 months ago i don't have that much to compare to as others.

However, of the 10 pipes i own and the 30 something blends i've tried it is as of today (and much likely to change):
1. Dunhill Cumberland

2. C&D Epiphany

3. Non alco: carbonated water. Alco: any Trippel trappist but preferbly Westmalle trippel or White Chimay.

4. Both Movies and Music, depends on the hour.

5. When i lit my first proper pipe with proper Tobacco. It was Dunhill nightcap in peterson aran 268.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 23, 2013
1- Savinelli Unfinished (Grezza) Bulldog 623. One of my least expensive, but I absolutely love how it smokes. I'm considering purchasing another if I can find one. It looked like this when I first bought it:


And after a few months of smoking it, it turned into this:


And yes, the birdeye side is lighter, due to how I hold it!

2- Currently, my favorite is Christmas Cheer. Other favorites are Orlik Golden Sliced and McClelland Blue Mountain.
3-Favorite hot drink is Oolong tea. Favorite beer is a nice Russian Imperial stout. Favorite liquor is Ron Zapaca 23 (rum). I brew my own Kombucha and drink that when I'm craving some fizz.
4- For true relaxation, I usually grab a book.
5- My favorite pipe smoking memory so far would have to be late fall last year, sitting on the Mississippi River bluffs watching the sunset with a couple friends.



Jan 10, 2013
My Savinelli Saint Nicholas Author
Dunhill Nightcap
Both Angry Orchad and E&J XO
Music or a Book
Watching my great grandfather smoke his pipe when I was a child.



Dec 22, 2013
New York
Any one of my meerschaums but more likely any one in the style of a 'cutty' pipe
Condor or black twist
Pink Gin, Port, any decent 1st Growth such as Cheval Blanc and any decent year of Figeac which is the poor mans Cheval Blanc, Gin Martini's and Scotch
Sitting in my office on my own in the middle of the night with my pipes - they don't answer back!
A damp and muggy spring day sitting by the roadside with my pipe and my motor bike watching the fools rush off to work



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 4, 2013
1. LaRocca Lino bent billiard (my first non-Grabow)

2. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake

3. Sweet tea

4. None of the above. I enjoy sitting with my pipe alone on the porch watching wildlife

5. While growing up (age 3-12) sitting in my neighbor's living room watching him pack and light his pipe all day long while he told interesting stories for us kids. I have no idea the pipe maker (long black straight billiard) or tobacco blend, but I can still smell that aroma in my dreams.



May 17, 2012
I've said it before, I'll say it again...those of you who have one favourite tobacco are lucky as hell...



Jun 19, 2013
1. An estate Ascorti bent Dublin Business

2. A tie: GL Pease Sextant and Escudo

3. Blended Green and White tea

4. Sometimes a book, sometimes a movie

5. The first time I mastered the pace of a smoke and the tobacco started singing in my mouth (figuratively, of course, otherwise it would be weird and a little scary)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 27, 2013
There are some nice pics on this thread. Beautiful pipes and breathtaking view. Add to bucket list: see that in person. Check.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
1. 1930's Comoys Extraoridnaire 499, the #1 shape on my "Holy Grail" list

2. My Mixture 965
3. Yuenglings beer (draft)
4. Book (Kindle)
5. Sunday mornings in the summer, when it is warm enough to be out on the patio in shorts and a t-shirt with pipe, coffee and newspaper.



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 2, 2009
Western Massachusetts
1. Baki lattice meerschaum

2. Steven Books' For Meerschaums Only Reserve

3. Black coffee

4. Ipad + jazz

5. Smoking Balkan Sobranie out of a metal pipe at Port Authority Bus Terminal, NYC, 1970, after a concert at the Fillmore East. I got quite a few stares, but no one bothered me.



Might Stick Around
Oct 13, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
1. What's your favorite pipe? - Castello Hawkbill (donkeynut) G or GG size, any finish but am really appreciating pipes made by Ian Walker at Northern Briars, especially his Roxycut finish.
2. What's your favorite tobacco? - McClellands #5100 Bulk after about 5 years of aging. It also goes by the name "Red Kake" in some shops.
3. What's your favorite drink? - I hate to say Pepsi Max, but in alcohol it would be Bourbon (got that from my Dad)
4. When it's time to relax, is it a book, a movie or music? - Books, especially those from my youth including JRRR Tolkien (Lord of the Rings), Sherlock Holmes, and the FuManchu series - all involve pipe smoking.
5. What's your favorite pipe smoking memory? - When I was in college at Penn State from 1967 - 1971 I took a course in Logic. The professor was a DR. Jose Huerta-Jourda who was from Catalonia. Catalonia, on the border of Spain, seems to always be in revolt. I distinctly remember to this day when the students and the professor would light up pipes during class. This was normal during that time period. I had started smoking a pipe in 1967 at the age of 18.
That is my answers to the fast five questions.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 8, 2014
South Carolina
1. Mastro De Paja Rusticated Bent Apple

2. GLP Gaslight & Escudo

3. Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee - Medium Roast or Laphroaig 18 Year Old Single Malt

4. Book usually. Currently reading through the entire Sherlock Holmes collection.

5. I was outside on my back patio last fall. The firepit was roaring and I loaded up some Gaslight in my MM Legend. It was then that I had that Zen/A Ha! moment with Gaslight. For that hour, everything seemed right with the world and my place in it.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
1. a 1960's stacked dublin sandblasted Hilson with a very long shank.

2. Ahhh, I'll just say that it a very good Virginia and leave it at that. I'd prefer if no one else smoked it :wink:

3. Warm apricot juice, which we make ourselves from our own trees.

4. All three, however a book gets a good straight clenching pipe, a movie gets the Northern Briar Warden, and music goes best with any pipe.

5. My favorite pipe smoking memory is when I first tried GLP's Laurel Heights while on a walk in the woods with my dogs. The strong red Virginias and that whisper of leathery latakia complimented well with that autumn day; the trees changing colors, that musty fragrance of the woods settling in for winter, and the sounds of the wind pushing and pulling the trees. I ended up walking all day, enjoying that blend over and over in the same pipe. It was one of those magical moment that is hard to explain.



Dec 12, 2012
1. What's your favorite pipe? The Radice Underwood that I use for my avatar. (Although the squished dimensions here make it look more bent than it actually is.)
2. What's your favorite tobacco? Penzance
3. What's your favorite drink? Coffee. . . or Diet Mt. Dew
4. When it's time to relax, is it a book, a movie or music? All three. But not at the same time.
5. What's your favorite pipe smoking memory? Hanging out with the guys (and girl) that worked at The Tinder Box with me in Lombard, IL, back in the mid-1980s. We had a great time together, I got to try every pipe tobacco and cigar in the shop, and I got a really solid grounding in pipes and tobaccos. It was a fairly quirky bunch, but hardly a day goes by that I don't think about one or more of them. So many aromas and tastes now remind me of those days.



Feb 6, 2013
1) What's your favourite pipe? -- A group 5 sized L.J. Peretti blasted Canadian with sterling band.

2) What's your favourite tobacco? -- Oriental forward blends, L.J. Peretti Oriental #40

3) What's your favourite drink? -- Coffee. All kinds. But for the perfect cup I like a natural processed or semi-washed Ethiopian Sidamo UNLESS we're talking about espresso at which point I like the complexity of a blend roasted to at least a medium level. Tea, craft beer and single malts all fall into second place on the favourite drink list depending on mood.

4) When it's time to relax, is it a book, a movie or music? -- I have music going pretty much constantly, so when it's time to relax it is usually a book and music. Unless I'm gaming.

5) What's your favorite pipe smoking memory? -- Last year brdavidson and I got out for a late Fall lunt with my dog. We did a long loop at the conservation area with our cobs, and generally just having a pipe, and being out. Good times.
-- Pat/Brian



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 22, 2014
Weyers Cave, VA
1. My Savinelli Roma Prince

2. Orlik Golden Slice

3. The Glenlivet 12 year old Single Malt Scotch

4. Watching a movie

5. Riding to work with no one else around

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