If the house blend is not a Lane, it can be any of the other bulk blends.
Years ago, I argued with the guys at the Gatlinburlier after they let me taste test their "small shop" blends... each one was just a renamed Peter Stokkebye blend. Tried to tell me that PS LNF was grown just off the Blue Ridge Pkway. Phhht. I went through and told them which one was which, and the two guys adamantly denied that they were renamed bulks. Backed into a corner, they chose to climb the tree to stick to their lie. I was the only customer in the store, why not just fess up?They would also tell you wild tales about their wall of bucket pipes, ha ha.
Just before this last Christmas they were visited by someone else, and they told their lies. They ended up confessing to the Feds, and settling with HUGE fines.
I hated to hear it, but... why not just admit that the blend is just a bag of bulk that was opened and poured into a jar? Skip at the Briary has always had a policy of telling you exactly what is in his jars. It's not like your spoiling some kid's Christmas by admitting that there is no Santa Clause.