Oh right. Yes, that looked less inspiring, sort of like regular Dunhill flake. Not badly done, just very basic, more like a mixing ingredient than anything else...
I guess I should clarify, DF is a quality tobacco, like all of the Dunhill labelled blends. But, compared to Ye Old Sign, it makes it seem very monochromatic, one-dimensional. Maybe if I had never tried YOS, I would probably have liked DF more. Does that make more sense?
Perfectly. I had one tin that I could order, and read the descriptions of each, and thought YOS might shine over DF.
Just kidding. One had nicotine above medium so I ordered that one. Maybe.
HaHaHa Open mouth laugh at that one. I enjoy reading your reviews on tobaccoreviews.com. Cool seeing you here too.
Also, is there a source with more info on why Dunhill will be going away that you could point me to? I'm knd of new to smoking, but already many of my favourites are Dunhill blends..
@phantomwolf, Thanks for reading. Here's the skinny on Dunhill:
As far as we know, the owner of the brand does not find it profitable enough and wants to discontinue it. No word on whether they will allow Orlik (the current manufacturer) to keep making these blends under another name.
I will say at the outset, I am a new pipe smoker and my palate may not be developed enough to speak with any authority about tobacco, however I tried Ye Olde Signe a couple days ago and I did not like it. To me it seemed very flat and devoid of much taste character. So far in my quest, I have tried Early Morning Pipe which is ok though probably will not become a regular for me (especially as it is going off the market at some point). I have also tried Boswell Countryside and Moonshine XXX, both of which I enjoyed very much.
Jar up what you have left of Ye Olde Signe and try it again in 6 months to a year. Your palette will develop as you smoke more and improve your smoking technique. You may not become Jim Inks level of discerning flavors but with practice you will begin picking up more of the flavor profiles of blends as you continue your pipe smoking journey. In a year you may have a completely different view of Ye Olde Signe.