So, as you all know Peterson wil be releasing some of the Dunhill blends. 30 minutes ago, in Modesto California, my insignificant hometown, I was in the cigar shop buying some tobacco. I'm at the counter, and the owner turns to me and introduces me to this rep standing next to us holding papers, box,...etc. he said "this is..... from general cigar, if you have any questions here is your chance". Before I could ask, he shook my hand and said we own p.stokkebye, Peterson.... bunch of other names you might be familiar with. We are out of Georgia." I remembered just recently reading an article in this forum about Peterson releasing Dunhill blends, but had no information on the time of release. So, I asked him when is this going to take place? He said, "well, we just bought the rights to Dunhill blends, and we also acquired Peterson tobacco, so we are looking at Spring of 2020 for re-release to the public." then he moved aside, I paid for my tobacco and came to the car to post this. Pardon my excitement, I just miss Dunhill.