Dunhill Early Morning Pipe - Quick Review

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Staff member
Apr 8, 2009
Review done by Jaxz.

Blend: Early Morning Pipe (aka: EMP)

Manufacture: Dunhill

Container: Bulk

Tobacco: Oriental blended with Red Virginia, pretty sure there is some Latakia in there.

Cut: Ribbon

Smoking Notes: This is a very mellow smoke deserving of the name "Early Morning"; as it a bit on the mild side and probably couldn't be appreciated later in the day. The flavor is difficult to detect at the onset but that doesn't mean it isn't there. Occasionally I would get a hint of the Virginia's coming out and there seemed to be a very mild hint of spice lingering in the background. Generally speaking, this is a very smooth tobacco that can be enjoyed first thing in the morning with a nice cup of coffee while reading the morning paper.

General Notes: I have this tobacco in bulk but it is available in tin as well. This would definitely qualify as a mild bodied tobacco and through experience I've figured out it is in fact more enjoyable first thing in the day. The ribbon cut packs very easily into the pipe and the initial light up is good. However, (and maybe because it's bulk) the tobacco is fairly wet so drying a bit out for 15 mins or so is advisable before packing.

Overall Assessment: I don't know if this blend will become on of my stables (I tend to smoke much later in the day) because of its very mild body but as someone who is beginning the journey of exploring pipes this is a satisfying blend. It's worth noting that I've smoked about six bowls of this and each time it's gotten better and better. Despite the lack of "in your face flavors" when detected, are impressive and smooth. Nothing fancy about this tobacco but none the less satisfying.


Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
It is mild, but I can enjoy it other times of the day too. I didn't know this was discontinued until it was too late. I got lucky finding a tin in a B&M. I enjoyed it and went looking for more, but couldn't find any.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 4, 2009
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I.
I only had about 2 pipes of Dunhill EM. So I am no expert
I have been getting Clones of EM and 956 from PaylessPipes.com.
These are really nice Tobaccos and the Owner Tim has been very helpful with telephone calls and e-mail enquiries.
Tim says the only difference between the two is that 956 has more Latakia
I find that I prefer the 956, and its even better when I beef it up with McLellands Latakia and Oriental



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 4, 2009
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I.
I'm beginning to notice, that a tobacco without Latakia is like
a) de-caffeinated coffee

b) light cigarettes

c) looking at only half a movie or reading only half a book
Totally Unsatisfying
I could think of a few other analogies but I would be banned from the site



Staff member
Apr 8, 2009
Mate Said: I'm beginning to notice, that a tobacco without Latakia is like....Totally Unsatisfying...
I don't know about that one. I absolutely love a good Virginia or VA/PER blend!

That is what is great about this hobby, so many different tastes from so many different people.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 4, 2009
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I.
I agree with you on:
Mate Said: I'm beginning to notice, that a tobacco without Latakia is like....Totally Unsatisfying...

I don't know about that one. I absolutely love a good Virginia or VA/PER blend!

That is what is great about this hobby, so many different tastes from so many different people.
But I just like to stir up some good arguments
I really need to find a job

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