Draft hole too high

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Can't Leave
Jul 13, 2015
Unesco world heritage
Not a big issue is it? I've read that some folks fill stuff in the bowl to "lower" the draft hole but you can as well leave it like that, right (I never smoke the last bit anyway)?



Can't Leave
May 10, 2014
Effectively all of that tobacco under the draft hole that can never burn, becomes a place for lots of moisture to gather, and thus the pipe is nearly ensured to have big problems with gurgle. I'd avoid buying it and buy a properly built pipe instead. Too high a draft hole in my mind is a sign of a very sloppily built pipe/ amateur craftsman.



Aug 17, 2014
I spoke with a local and well respected pipemaker about this. He also intentionally raises the draft hole to reduce gurgling and as he put it "who wants to smoke the last crumbs of a bowl"?



Can't Leave
Jul 13, 2015
Unesco world heritage
Help me to understand this. The moisture building up is not caused by the location of the draft hole but the moisture content in the tobacco and the way I smoke. In my experience smoking too fast and too hot increases moisture. The difference is that with a regular draft hole the juice will end up in my mouth whereas in the the one with the hole too high it will accumulate at the bottom. The only difference is, that, with that pipe I will never be able to smoke that last bit, which I never do anyway. Or am I missing something?



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2015
So, there are two opposite yet perfectly acceptable answers to the draw hole issue? This seems to be the rule with pipes and tobacco, sometimes my to my dismay. I've been a follower of the 'rule' that the draft hole should be at the bottom of the pipe.
I have a Chacom that I really like, except that the hole is drilled a bit high, which in my mind sullied an otherwise great pipe. It is perfectly smokeable but I honestly felt like a bit of a schmuck once I got it home, for not noticing the high draft hole, which I have since thought of as a red flag when looking at pipes.
Now I find out that perhaps my angst was for nothing?



Oct 23, 2014
Ames, IA
Draft hole placement is a favorite topic of debate. Here's what I've learned from reading the comments:
You have to smoke it and decide if it's a problem or not. If it smokes to your satisfaction, leave it alone. If it's a problem it's an easy fix.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2015
I can put way too much thought into this sort of stuff if I'm not careful. Thanks for reminding me to keep it simple.



Can't Leave
Jul 13, 2015
Unesco world heritage
Yes. It's easy to overthink this. In fact the pipe I'm speaking about is a real pricey one from a reputed manufacturer that I purchased estate online. Returning was not an option. The hole issue came up after having already used it (should have inspected it first). First I felt really bad about it but I feel better following this thread.



May 30, 2012
I have a late 30's Kaywoodie and the stinger drops into a well that does not enter the bowl. The draft hold is 1/8th higher than the bottom. It actually smokes great. You do have to clean the moisture trap out with a cleaner a couple of times. No biggie.



Staff member
May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Draft hole— Yes, a lot of angst over this one, but if you get much gurgling at all, I'd look at initial moisture content, then cadence and packing, including strength of draw.
Now, I don't have one to check, but don't poker styles have an elevated draft hole?



Oct 23, 2014
Ames, IA
Save some of your pipe ash. Run it through a small strainer. Mix just enough water with some ash to make a stiff paste. Put some in the bowl bottom using a popsicle stick or something like that. Use a tamper to flatten it. Let it dry hard. Smoke. If it shrinks a bit, use a little more mud to fill the gaps.
After the pipe has been smoked a few times it's hard to tell it's there.
If it falls out you just make more and repeat. Easy peasy.



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
You state that that the draft hole is too high, but don't state how much higher it is above the bottom of the chamber. The draft hole shouldn't be flush with the bottom of the bowl, but very slightly above. This helps prevent gurgling as well as preventing moisture from entering the airway and, subsequently, your mouth. Draft holes in bents are often set high for that same reason. Nording sells tiny pipe pebbles to put in the chamber bottom of a bent to raise the bottom level of the tobacco while allowing the gunk to settle out of the way. If the placement of the draft hole is an issue, pipe mud will address it.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Here you go!



Feb 13, 2015
"I don't have the slightest clue what pipe mud is but it sounds awful...
I'm only speaking from personal experience here, many people use pipe mud with great results.
The reason it sounds awful is because it is awful. I tried using it on a bent billiard whose draft hole was too high. I followed the instructions carefully and gave it plenty of time to dry. It did not set up "hard as cement" as many would claim. (For further mythical misinformation, you may want to check out the thread on "Pipe Myth #1.) In fact, it was flaky and shitty and smelled like an ashtray. I attempted to smoke the pipe; it was what I imagine trying to smoke a wino's shoe would taste like. When I realized that for that horrid skid-row/ashtray taste to go away, I would have to cake the entire heel of the pipe (another unobtainable Arthurian legend of pipe smoking when the draft hole is high), I decided that the draft hole was exactly where it needed to be. I dug that nasty crap out of the pipe, and after only a short 47 bowls later, it stopped smelling like shit.

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