The topping isn't as strong as the African dark Virginias are naturally. The topping may subside after 10+ years, but it isn't neccesarily strong in flavor, just very unique. Dark Virginias are just not what people used to flue cured Virginia Gold strain are ised to. The majority of Virginias in the mainstream Virginia based blends are all from Virginia Gold seed stock. The Dark Virginias are Virginias, but they are cery strongly flavored and pack more nocotine than most burleys. Aging mellows these out and most likely will meld the topping into the natural flavor.
My bet is that those that dislike RY really just have issue with the natural bold flavor of the Virginia. The topping itself is very "*similar" to University Flake and Wallace Flake, but the leaf in those is a neautral burley, which is probably why less people dislike those as mich as RY.
*Note, similar but not exactly the same.