Royal Crown Windsor pipes are made by Hardcastle and so are some Crown pipes. Do you have any other info about the pipe ? like logos etc. I have the book " Who Made That Pipe " and it has a few companies besides Hardcastle but I need to know more info. Have you checked out the website ? They have a wealth of information about pipes.
No, I was only browsing the "Crown" line of pipes. I liked the appearance of the pipes and was trying to learn more about the brand, specifically whether or not they performed well. I had no idea that Hardcastle made pipes for both companies.
If its a crown pipe made by Hardcastle, the pipes are great! Them stems thought are not. To narrow of an opening. I sent mine out for new stems and to have them made with a 5/32 opening. This gives a great draw.
Found out that Crown pipes are imported by Thomas Fitzpatrick and made by Romera pipe factory in Italy. Romera makes Fe.Ro. pipes. Just got one today and it smokes great. Well made and good quality briar.