My newest acquisitions just arrived today, a Stanwell bulldog and a Savinelli billiard, full bent. I have just tried the Savinelli, and damn - such a delight to smoke. I packed it 3/4 with Capstan Gold flake, and smoked pretty fast - about a puff a second, but the bowl never got hot on me. Every single smoke I've had up till now, I've had to ease up occasionally because the pipe got too hot, but this one - no more than comfortably warm. The smoke was always cool as well, except at the very end when I relit the pipe a few times to get the final scruff going. There was also a little bit of gurgling towards the end, but nothing that couldn't be countered by the breath method. The dottle at the end was a bit of slightly moist, unburned tobacco, and the chamber was clean - I ran my pinky along it, and it emerged without any soot. The stem was also the cleanest I've seen after a smoke so far.
Is this normal? Do Savinelli pipes come with some sort of magical, cool coating that allows you to puff away like a steam engine? Earlier today I smoked the same tobacco in my Vauen Hugg, which is also a great smoker but here it left a very moist coating, and I also had to smoke considerably more slowly.
And can I use two adverbs in the same sentence?
Is this normal? Do Savinelli pipes come with some sort of magical, cool coating that allows you to puff away like a steam engine? Earlier today I smoked the same tobacco in my Vauen Hugg, which is also a great smoker but here it left a very moist coating, and I also had to smoke considerably more slowly.
And can I use two adverbs in the same sentence?