Cornell & Diehl Purple Cow Review

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 5, 2021
A few months ago I was browsing through the selection at my local B&M store when I came across a tin of C&D purple cow. I saw that it was a blend of Latakia, Virginias, Burley, and Maduro cigar leaf. I only ever smoked a few cigars in my life and I honestly couldn't even tell you what they were, but I do enjoy Briar Works Country Lawyer which is also a cigar leaf blend, So I decided to go ahead and pick some up. Tonight I decided it was time to go ahead and pop the tin open. The tin note was pleasant in my opinion. Kind of a fruity, sweet, pungent aroma. I loaded a bowl into my Savinelli and lit up. Right from the get go I was hit with the strong nutty flavor from the burley, which mixed with a slightly peppery smoky flavor from the the latakia. The Virginia was faint, but I think that it mellowed out the burley. The Maduro leaf would come on in waves of cool oily sweetness that covered my entire tongue. The longer the bowl went on the more the Cigar leaf made itself known. All of the flavors worked in concert to provide an extremely smooth and satisfying smoke. The tobacco itself burned evenly, and just a tad hot. For me personally, Purple Cow is a 9/10. I found it absolutely amazing and If I hadn't just had a baby (greatly limiting my tobacco funds) I would probably order 4 or 5 more tins right now. I could see how this blend is probably a love or hate it kinda blend. If you don't like English blends, and If you don't like the cigar leaf, you probably aren't going to like Purple Cow. However, if you do enjoy those two things I would highly recommend giving it a try.


Might Stick Around
Apr 27, 2021
Great review.
I thought the cigar in purple cow was really dark, but I liked it. If you want to try a blend with cigar, but without Latakia, you should try c&d seersucker. It’s a plug, and it’s usually damp, but it’s very...interesting. Also, Warped the Haunting is just cigar leaf and Virginia, and it’s really tasty too. It can be a little bitey, but if you go slow it’s real tasty.
May 2, 2020
Well I like Country Lawyer and Billy Budd, so I believe I'll give Purple Cow a try, especially given that it's a Bob Runowski blend. I've known of it for years, I guess I never tried it (or even looked into it) because of the name.
I just ordered a tin. Thank you for the review!
Ditto, about it being on the radar but never picking up a tin. I should remedy that at some point.


Jun 11, 2020
Pittsburgh, PA USA
Thanks for this review. You pulled me in -- I'm going to throw a tin in my next order. Billy Budd is my go-to cigar blend, and they look similar on paper. I'm going to guess PC shows a lighter hand with the Latakia?
I got my Purple Cow in, and I too smoke Billy Budd. I'm not good at reviewing things, but here's my two cents:
Purple Cow is to Billy Bud as Haunted Bookshop is to Old Joe Krantz. In other words, pretty much the same thing, with the latter being the fuller, stronger one.
May 2, 2020
I got my Purple Cow in, and I too smoke Billy Budd. I'm not good at reviewing things, but here's my two cents:
Purple Cow is to Billy Bud as Haunted Bookshop is to Old Joe Krantz. In other words, pretty much the same thing, with the latter being the fuller, stronger one.
Does the fact that the cigar leaf is maduro do anything extra/different for Purple Cow compared to BB?
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