So I have about 20 briars in my collection. All but a few were purchased on eBay and restored in the proper fashion. None are any of the big names that sell for $100+ new. I thoroughly enjoyed bringing them back from the dead.
I recently bought a corn cob pipe (The General) and it smokes far better than any of my briars. So good that I have no desire to smoke anything else. All my tobaccos taste better and the smoke is cooler. I smoke mostly virginias and va-pers and occasionally an aromatic.
My thoughts are that perhaps all of the briars that I have are of poor quality and I need to buy something expensive. All my pipes are well taken care of and I know about drying my tobacco and all of the other typical newbie mistakes. What is the best bang for my buck other than cobs?
I recently bought a corn cob pipe (The General) and it smokes far better than any of my briars. So good that I have no desire to smoke anything else. All my tobaccos taste better and the smoke is cooler. I smoke mostly virginias and va-pers and occasionally an aromatic.
My thoughts are that perhaps all of the briars that I have are of poor quality and I need to buy something expensive. All my pipes are well taken care of and I know about drying my tobacco and all of the other typical newbie mistakes. What is the best bang for my buck other than cobs?