Another point to consider is that reaming a charred bowl "back to wood" is not the standard/accepted way to deal with that type of damage.
The right way is to fill the charred areas (which are always lower than the surrounding wood) with a heat-resistant substance. Think patching holes in a road with asphalt.
Done correctly the pipe is functionally back to new without affecting the rim width / chamber diameter.
So... sanding is difficult to do well, time consuming, and modifies a pipes original dimensions; while "thermal patching" (for lack of a better term) is easy to do, only takes a few minutes, and does not change a pipe's dimensions.
Rob and others like him know these things.
In short---it is possible that previously "sanded out" pipes find their way to high end re-sellers from time to time, but I strongly doubt they do it themselves. Doing so without mentioning it is not only unnecessary, but risky in business terms.
That said, there are always exceptions which prove rules... Within the past year on this board was the
The Infamous Case of the Gold Banded Barling---a high value pipe offered by a high profile re-seller who claimed it was in "original near-pristine condition" which was proved irrefutably to be false with date-stamped pre-restoration photos, and which the seller refused to acknowledge even after being confronted directly about it---so, sadly, anything is possible.