I've been enjoying C&D Burley Flake #1. I never tried any of the others (Burley Flake #2,3,4,5). I looked them up on Tobacco Reviews and noticed that #3 lists the same ingredients as #1 -- burley, kentucky, perique, virginia. #2 and #5 also list the same ingredients -- burley, kentucky, virginia. #4 stands alone with burley, kentucky, latakia and virginia. I suppose the two matching pairs (1 and 3, 2 and 5) are probably just a matter of proportions. I was originally just going to ask about impressions between the #1 and #3 (the perique ones) but now that I've looked them all up, I'm curious about the differences between #2 and #5 as well. So, how about reducing it to "what are folks impressions about _any_ of the C&D Burley Flakes, especially in comparison with each other. As it stands now, I very much like #1.